Hooray for our youth [Archives:2002/40/Focus]

September 30 2002

By Hassan Al-Haifi
Amidst all the disappointments and despair that has dominated the atmosphere for many years, and notwithstanding all the frustrations we have been used to encountering day by day, we come upon a ray of hope has truly shone in the skies. The youth of our beloved land have once again shown us that Yemen will always be the shining mirror of Arab pride and true self-confidence. Our teen soccer team has once again made it known to the world that Yemen is a storehouse of latent talent and potential vigor that will undoubtedly raise the country on the pedestal of achievement and success, if only talent and achievement is given its right dues.
The success of our selected young national soccer team of being the only Arab team to make it to the youngsters’ World Cup Soccer Playoffs (the first time for Yemen) attests to the wherewithal that can be exploited with little means to release a vibrant energy, even with the competitors enjoying greater means and resources to meet the challenges of raising great soccer teams. Yes Yemeni youth have clearly pointed out that “we can make it”, given the right guidance and leadership and encouragement.
Undoubtedly, the credit for all this surprising success in the sports arena must go to the astute training and determination of the Coach of the young leaguers, the trusted Coach Amin Al-Suneiny, who literally brought out a team of great reckoning out of the empty blues, which we live in.
Surely, we should all find great remorse in realizing that all challenges can be overcome, if the right doses of determination and acumen are combined together, without waiting for the government to come in and start directing the resources of the nation towards overcoming the challenges we face to bringing the country out of its pitiful economic and social demise. If our youth have shown us that they can take on the world in soccer, than surely it is possible to start making our marks in the other fields that count in bringing prosperity to our people, if only the government can realize that the Yemeni people are capable of success and achievement if they are freed from the boggling regulations and tight bureaucracies that have been a source of frustration and literally stamped down any efforts towards the realization of economic and social progress.
Using his well engrained talent and stamina, Amin Al-Suneiny has directed the best youthful talent in soccer to take a place for Yemen in the international soccer arena, though the real test is still to come as our team now faces greater challenges with more established soccer leagues having longer experience and of course greater resources. However, we are assured that our team will do its utmost to prove to the world that Yemen is a country that is pushing to make its marks in every field and not just football. Therefore our leaders should take note that it is time to open up the field for the Yemeni people to release their energies and capabilities towards the realization of their goals and aspirations in every field. We know how much there is potential there is in the land of Sheba. We also know that the people of the land of Sheba wish to bring Yemen forward in all fields, if only their government would give them the chance, by providing them with access to equal opportunities and services that generate intellect and output.
After forty years since the September Revolution of 1962, we realize that there is still a long way to go before we have successfully achieved the goals and aspirations for which so many Yemenis gave their lives. However, the success of our youth in the international football arena is an indication that the future may not be all that bleak. A strong dose of determination can manage to overcome all the political and bureaucratic hurdles that stand in the way.
Our congratulations go to the young national soccer team for Second Place in the Asian Cup (although they were not far from taking First Place as their adversaries won only on the Penalty Shots). Our best wishes also go to the Yemeni people for this 40th Anniversary celebration of the September Revolution. We will be watching the team in the World Cup playoffs with great interest and we will be cheering them all the way.
