Hoping For a Better Tomorrow [Archives:1999/37/Viewpoint]
There were times when frustration reached into the lives of most Yemenis, including me. I have seen many bad days in my life, especially in the last several years. However, I have also seen good times. Frustration can not stay forever, just as the sky can not stay cloudy all the time. To state it in another way, we should sometimes, try to feel more optimistic of the future of our country. I can give you some reasons to be optimistic:
1- The Aden Free Zone is going fine, just a few days ago, the official opening of the Aden Container Terminal took place. This project is believed to be the biggest ever in the history of modern Yemen. It is the project that could revive the economy and put Aden back on the top of the list of the most important trading ports in the world. In particular, Aden will be able to compete with the other ports in the region. This will definitely bring more income to the country, and would lead to the flourishing of Aden City and eventually, the whole country.
2- A new presidential period is coming. Within this period, I believe -and also hope- that President Saleh will be more than ever committed not to turn down the people who directly voted for him. His commitment can be so strong that he could try to remove the roots of corruption in our country, especially the ones who are surrounding him. By being directly reelected, he will get the authority from the people, hence, he would not need the ones around him who have devastated the economy and welfare of the community through their corrupt activities, using the excuse that the president cannot do without them.
3- We are opening up to the world, and donor countries are slowly hearing of our struggle and exerted efforts for our country in order to move on with the democratic process. The globalization phenomenon is helping Yemen reach the rich countries. Investors from many European and Asian countries are thinking of investing in this untouched and unfamiliar land of the Arabian Felix.
4- Tourism is expected to become better, as certain measures are being taken today in favor of disarmament and the cutting off of weapon sources, and hence, reducing the number of violent incidents that happen, including kidnapping tourists, mainly due to the presence of weapons everywhere.
There are other reasons that one can think of as well. But for now, these are more than enough to feel optimistic of the future of Yemen. The famous Arab proverb says, “one of the tools that help you reach your goal is being optimistic.”I know that some may deride my request to be optimistic, in a time where its difficult to see the impression of a better tomorrow. Yet, that does not mean that we should keep on feeling sad and upset of the current situation. Believe me, feeling optimism is a strong part of success, and of having hope in the future.
Walid Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf
Chief Editor