How to overcome the catastrophic floods [Archives:2008/1209/Community]

November 20 2008

By: Mohammed Rezq
[email protected]

Some philosophers asserted that a nation without a past, hardly ever get a promising future. That means a prosperous future must based on a wealthy heritage. Nevertheless, I can say that those should have been talking about the way of breeding a pure pedigree of horses or so. However, in the vein of having a nation or as I may say create an existence by the guidance of the great Lord The one who bless believers of him and then of themselves. Those confidant and determine people who are always look forward and meanwhile work very hard to build up their nation's present and future as well. In the contrary to that some of us are articulated speakers about the glory of our ancient history and civilization and when it comes to the future we need others to picture, design, and make it if they would be kind enough to do so. How about having a scratch point in our country?

The recent floods that struck Hadramoot and other disastrous province ached our hearts and dominated our thoughts. We are in actuality concerned about our people there and surely about their properties. Many families become homeless and vulnerable to various epidemics. Water sources were contaminated and to top it all main routs were devastated. Nevertheless, we have to give a hand to them by any means necessary. Then what next, as far as I am concerned I think that we overcome the impact of it and start to consider how to rebuild. Not only as high as our ancestors did, but also more organized.

Avoiding the random scattered compounds, establishing well provided and completely- served underneath construction for expandable cities.

Why do not we try to benefit from the surrounding such as the model of the UAE? One in a time must have heard of the incredible efforts of some western countries facing or preparing for natural catastrophes such as hurricanes, earthquakes and floods. For example in the United States of America, every other day they cope with numerous disasters here or there. With no comparison between the two countries, what we would have done if it were not for God's mercy. We are not supposed to resemble or be comparable to them over a night. Nonetheless, we would like to be our own slowly but surely. They had started from where we let go.

As I had reached the conclusion, of which I wish to be an initiation of something although a tiny thing, I have strong belief that we have a potential abilities resources and treasures, which we have to seek out and start with. Enhancing self- sufficient, determining to start from the scratch is the only approach to survive.