Hybrid maize a successful venturePlan for expansion in food cereal production [Archives:2004/719/Business & Economy]

March 11 2004

Mahyoub Al-Kamaly
Experiments with farm practices, including hybrid maize, have been successful across Yemen, in governorates of Abyan, Lahj, Taiz, Hadramout,, Hudeida, Thamar and Mareb where the one farm production of each hectare exceeded an average of 5 tons.
The implementation of the experiments comes within the context of the government plan for reclamation of arable lands and expansion in production of food grains and reduction of the volume of imports.
The ministry of agriculture has prepared a strategic plan for increasing the plantation of food cereals. In a report on the activities that could be negotiated with the donors.
The American agency for international development expressed willingness for resuming its activities in supporting Yemen's agricultural projects particularly in promising productive sectors.
Sources at the ministry of agriculture aid the American agency for development would support Yemen in six agricultural projects, open for expansion in the future.
According to figure indicators the agricultural sector is still occupying a forward position among many various activities in Yemen. Agriculture employs about 52% of the workforce and provides living for about 75% of the population while it contributes 15% of the GDP.
According to the book on the second 5-year plan the agricultural production accomplished during the past five years an increase in growth by 5.4%. Exports of foodstuffs and live animals grew to averages reaching to around 28% per year.
Therefore the government endeavors to increase agricultural production and improve infrastructure of marketing and development of exports in preparation for joining the World Trade Organisation.