IBB: Magic of the green land [Archives:2005/891/Last Page]

November 3 2005


Ibb, 192 km to the south of Sana'a, and 2300 m above sea level, is the evergreen city in Yemen. It is surrounded by the Ba'dan Mountain, which is considered a real beauty and charm as an evergreen environment.

Ibb is considered as one of the best archeological and ancient cities in Yemen. It appeared as an Islamic city in the Islamic period, but it did not mention in any kind of news or arts until the tenth century A.D.

Old Ibb city is considered as one of the most historical sites in Ibb and one of the most interesting fortified Yemeni cities. It is surrounded by a wall with five entrances, which are Bab Al-Kabeer (The great gate), Bab Al_Nasser (The victory gate), Bab Al_Rakezah, Bab Soonbl, and Bab Al_Jadeed (The New gate).

The wall of the city has a number of towers that still remain; these towers were used to defend the city against the military attacks during previous ages.

The nature of the green land is mixed with the buildings and mosques designs' influences. The visitors of this magic land will note the marvelous outer designs of these buildings, which are used in the design of the forts and citadels(fortresses). Amongst the elements of Islamic architecture to be noted are the windows, arches, stairs, vaults, and domes.

Touristic and archeological places in the Green Land:

Ibb has a group of ancient archeological forts, Islamic historical mosques, and beautiful historical areas.

It is distinguished for its unique architecture designs, which are drawn in the frontages of its lofty buildings. No wonder that some friezes and windows with a circular ships, cover the marble that makes the frontages of these buildings extremely magnificent.


Dhafar is 17 km from Yareem city; it was the capital of ancient Hymiarate state, founded on Mount Dhu-Raidan. Dhafar ceased being the capital, but it still retains its' life, as its remains are housed now in the Dhafar museum.


Tourism in Djiblah is known to last throughout the year, consequently it makes the city a forum for and main direction of, the visitors.

Djiblah is the city of information, knowledge and beauty. It is a small city to the southwest of Ibb. It was the capital of the Sulaihy State, which flourished at the age of Queen Arwa Bint Ahmed Al-Sulaihy, who successfully unified Yemen. Arwa was the second woman to rule Yemen after Queen Bilqis.

The town is not only known for its mosques and religious buildings however, but also for its bridges. Near the entrance, there were several semi-circled bridges, five of which still stand today to signify the magnificence of the architectural designing and art of Yemeni architecture.

These arch-type bridges, with their upper portions comprised of even shapes, facilitate the arrival of Djiblah citizens and tourists to Djiblah city, which is placed on the peak of a mountain.

In Arabic, Djiblah means the solid-state of the ground, as the city was built upon the very hard rocks of a mountain. This meant that the peak level was an even surface and ideal for the purposes of residential dwellings.


It is an area, lying at 40 km from Ibb, famous for coffee agriculture.

The Great Mosque:

It is located in the middle of Old Ibb city, and dates back to the first decade of the Hegira. It is situated on the level of a high knoll; and the only way to reach it is by using a flight of steps, which go through the knoll.

This mosque is built in a style similar to the Prophet Mohammed's Mosque. It consists of a courtyard that is surrounded by four porticos, the most deep of these is called Al- Kiblah portico.

The Great Mosque has three entrances in its west wall, and high minaret at its southeastern side, which ends with a veranda crowned by a dome. It is written on the base of this minaret that it dates back to the Rasulean State period in 685 A.H.

Other evidence of Islamic architecture touches and designs are represented in the Great Mosque roof, which is decorated by very beautiful Islamic patterns and ornaments with some inscribed writings.

Sumara Citadel:

This citadel is placed on the summit of Mount Sumara and is 2800 m above sea level.

Bana Valley:

An area known for having numerous pure water fountains, and mountain-sulfated hot water.

Al-Manar Fort:

It was one among the important strongholds of the ancient Hymiarate state. It is located at Mount Badam, and is accessible by a road leading to the summit where there are some remains of the citadel, and water reservoirs engraved in the rocks.