Importance of Re-building Bridges of Confidence [Archives:2001/22/Focus]
by Mohamed Kadri
I reiterate my view point published in this column earlier, that the people seem ready to offer support to the leadership and government which should re-build the broken bridges between the citizens and the rulers!
Hence, responsibility of the leadership and government should assure all citizens of their actual departure from pervious periods characterized by negativity, ignorance, oppression and the spread of unemployment.
For citizens are no longer ready to see officials repeat the causes of our backwardness and problems. Like attributing them to home-separation and the transitional period which followed later. This excuse must be written off and converted into a concrete action plan to alleviate the many maladies which the people are suffering from. Citizens need what they have been hoping for since September 26th /1962 and October 14th /1963. Citizen are looking forward to seeing the country earn the name of a united republic with democratic and Islamic dimensions.
Citizen long for happy dreams while in bed without the disturbance of gunfire of unknown origin!
Citizen wish to live in houses, safe from the abuses of owners in the northern regions. Thousands of real-estate owners in the eastern and southern regions wait to restore their national rights and be treated similar to their counterparts in the north! And, citizens require protection against the stealing of their cars parked in streets. More than that, the approximately four million unemployed seek opportunities for employment.
Dear citizens! It’s time for the rulers to prove that they are qualified and worthy of respect. The country needs fewer words and more work!