Impressions of a Polish ambassador in Yemen [Archives:2005/874/Local News]
Poland established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Yemen in 1990, immediately after the unification of the two Yemeni states. I am happy to say that the government of the Yemen Republic acted with the same pace and opened the Yemeni Embassy in Warsaw a few months later. Poland and Yemen have today close and friendly relations, widely reflected in good political, economic and commercial cooperation. Several hundred Yemenis studied in Poland. They do serve their own country – Yemen – in the fields of their education and, I am happy to say, many of them contribute in maintaining and further developing Polish – Yemeni ties.
Both Poland and Yemen have been experiencing growing pains in the last 15 years. I know very well Yemeni history of the last 15 years and, while trying to promote history here, in my day-to-day activities, Polish economic, cultural and political goals, I am also bringing the dramatic Yemeni history to the knowledge of the Polish political, economic and cultural elites. Polish – Yemeni political consultations that we conducted a few months ago revealed that, indeed, the views and positions of both governments on the most important international issues are very close if not identical. Thanks to that we have an excellent cooperation in bilateral relations and maintain it through international organizations as well.
Taking this opportunity I want to thank my many Yemeni friends: after its own historical upheavals of the last fifteen years, and after concluding its membership, first in the NATO and then in the European Union, Poland is now opening its foreign policy towards the Arab world, including Yemen, with its own economic initiatives and with much increased volume in developmental assistance. I am sure that we shall have the opportunity to speak much more specifically on that in coming months.
It worth mentioning that, the polish people have marked their 25th anniversary for the emergence of Solidarity movement. It is the memory of the establishment of the most powerful movement in the history of the Soviet empire that brought about the downfall of communism in Poland and also in Central and Eastern Europe.