Improve Your English – 190 [Archives:2003/646/Education]

June 30 2003

Dr. Ramakanta Sahu
I. What to say
Situations and expressions (53):
Protests and warning

In the event of being convinced that what someone has done is not right or just when we want to express our feeling of disapproved opposition or objection, we use a rather strong disapproval. Such statements of strong affirmation are protests. Warning, on the other hand, is a kind of advance information of possible unpleasant consequences arising out of an undesirable event or a series of events. Often warning forms a sequel to protest.
Let's browse through a few expressions signalling protests and warning:

– I protest against being called an old fool.
– I vouchsafe that all the charges against me are baseless false and motivated.
– I register my strong protest that I had never been near the scene of the crime.
– Down with the war!
– You have had enough of the cacophony. No more of it.
– Unless our outstanding dues are paid to us, we would be constrained to cease work and the authorities would be fully responsible for any unpleasant consequences.
– Despite repeated reminders if things don't improve, you would face the music.
– It's high time that he mended his ways; otherwise the repercussions may be serious.
– The last date for the payment of the dues is the 1st of July, failing which punitive measure as deemed fit would be initiated against you.
– Unless your explanation, if any, reaches the undersigned within a week of the receipt of this notice, it will be construed that you have nothing to say in your defence and the case will be disposed on merit.
– You are warned of dire consequences if you violate the provisions of the law.
– We are not prepared to put up with such acts of stupidity any longer. Stern action against the offenders are overdue
– It's about time he abandoned the 'holier-than- thou' attitude or else he is likely to be ostracised.
– You are being warned that the authorities would be forced to take stringent action against you if you continue to maintain such uncivilised conduct and imprudent behaviour.
– No one is prepared to believe your cock-and- bull story. You are warned against committing perjury.
– Restricted entry. Tresspassors are liable to be prosecuted.
– Look before you leap. You may have to blame only yourself for any undesirable consequences.
– As you sow, so you reap. You should be cautious about your actions.
– I will not protect you any longer. You are simply incorrigible.
– Deceiving you will be deceived.
– If you hoodwink the law, you will be behind the bars.
– You can't escape punishment if you commit a crime.
– Mind your language, other wise you would be in the soup.
– This is the last chance for you to redeem yourself.
– I am not prepared to hear any cock and bull story.
– I warrant you to be more polite and courteous to the visitors.
– It's really strange that you forget others convenience when parking your car.
– If the factory doesn't stop polluting the local river, there will be no choice than to withdraw its licence.

II. How to say it correctly
Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences

1. The bell rang in two o'clock.
2. The weather gets hot through summer.
3. Abdu is leaving in next Monday.
4. He will be there before an hour.
5. You should be at the guesthouse for 6 o'clock.

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. Ahmed sees the film now.
Note: sensory verbs such as see, taste, smell can't be used in the continuous form.
2. She is cleaning the house now.
3. The building where she lives is very old.
4. I was born in 1947.
5. Summer comes between spring and autumn.

III. Increase your word power

(a) How to express it in one word
1. Person or thing that discourages and makes dull or sad
2. A person who is brave but not properly careful
3. A person in a competition who surprises others by winning
4. Something that will never end or go out of date
5. A line in a new paper that gives its date and place of origin

Suggested answers to last week's questions

1. Series of events taking place in a regularly repeated order: cycle (n)
2. A very violent wind moving in a circle: cyclone (n.)
3. Somebody that draws everybody's attention: cynosure (n.)
4. The scientific study of cells; cytology
5. Something bad that may happen at anytime: sword of Damocles

(b) Foreign phrases and expressions
Give the English equivalents of the following expressions:

1.canto; 2. carol; 3. catastrophe;
4. catharsis; 5. Cliche

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. bibliotaph (Gk.): A concealer and hoarder of books.
2. bibliography (Gk.): A list of books, essays and monographs on a subject.
3. cacophony (Gk.): A mixture of unpleasant and usually loud sounds which are out of tune.
4. caesura (Gk.) : A break or pause in a line of poetry.
5. calendar (Lat.): A table giving the divisions of a year.

(c) Words commonly confused
Bring out the meaning differences in the following pairs of words:
1. all round, all-round; 2. born, borne;
3. aid, aide; 4. ail, ale; 5. ague, argue

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. alyssum (n.) ( a type of low growing plant with white or yellow flowers): The field wears a colorful look due to a host of alyssum plants.
asylum (n.) (a place of refuge or safety): The lunatic was sent to the asylum.
2. alumna (n. pl. -nae.) (girl or woman who was student of a school, college or university): She prides herself in having been an alumna of Oxford university.
alumina (n.) (a silver white metal): Most household things at present are made of alumina.
3. altitude (n.) (height above sea-level): One often experiences breathing difficulties in Sana'a because of its high altitude.
attitude (n.) (a way of feeling, thinking or behaving): We should cultivate a positive attitude to life.
4. already (adv.) (by or before a stated or suggested time): The train has already arrived.
all ready: We are all ready for the exam.
5. almost, nearly, practically (adv.): We can use any of them before 'all', 'every', 'always'.
Ex: That is a mistake he almost/nearly/practically always makes.
But nearly cannot be used before negative words such as 'no', 'none', 'nothing', 'never'.

(d) Idioms and phrases
Use the following phrases in sentences
1. an avowed enemy; 2. rude awakening;
3. in attendance; 4. attain to;
5. attach importance to

IV. Grammar and composition

(a) Grammar
Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given in the brackets:
1) If you had come one hour earlier, you . the match
(Fill in the blank with the correct tense form of 'witness')
2. Do you remember ..(meet) him at the station?
(Use the right form of the verb)
3. The government has established a school in our village.
(Replace the word in italics by a suitable phrasal verb)
4. The teacher said: “Man is mortal”
(Change into indirect speech)
5. Your future depends .. your success in the exam
(Use an appropriate preposition)

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. When the tractor faces an obstacle, it looks like a living creature
2. The Rector asked the Dean to look into the matter
3. The accused was convicted of lying
4. When animals sensed danger, they began to run away
5. She couldn't convince her father that she was telling the truth

(b) Composition: Paragraph writing

Expand the idea contained in the maxim:


Last week's topic:
It is an undeniable fact that honesty is a commendable virtue. An honest man inspires trust and confidence in those who deal with him as well as in those with whom he deals. Moreover, honesty ensures safety. The man who is honest has nothing to fear or be anxious about. He has least chances of making enemies. He only makes friends who are sure to stand by him in hours of need. His actions are open and above board. So no one has any possibility of suspecting his intentions or actions. On the other hand, a dishonest man doesn't enjoy peace of mind. People around him treat him with distrust and suspicion. Sooner or later his dubious intentions and shady deals are exposed. He earns distrust and hatred of his friends and gets little sympathy in times of trouble. Therefore, it is rightly said, ” knarey may serve a turn, but honesty is the best in the end”.

V. Pearls from the Holy Quran
” Nay, Allah is your Protector,
And he is the best of helpers”
S. 3A. 150

VI. Words of Wisdom
“How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world”