Improve Your English – 209 [Archives:2003/684/Education]

November 9 2003

Dr. Ramakanta Sahu
I. What to Say
Situations and Expressions (57):
Honoring a teacher (Part IV)

A true teacher awakens interest and enkindles enthusiasm in the learner. He inculcates in the learner a quest for things unknown to him (the learner) and thus makes him a veritable explorer. The learner is enchanted to taste the joy of discovery and feels beholden to the teacher to have infused the spirit of enquiry into him, as the following expressions purport to convey:

– Teachers like you help us discover what a fruitful experience learning is. I've grown wiser and everything seems much easier than before. You truly enlightened me. Thanks for being so patient with me.
– When I think of the one teacher I can count on, the heart that is certain to take care, a warm smile that makes me feel welcome, a real understanding that is rare, who's always so patient and wonderful – Teacher, I always think of you.
– To a very special Teacher! Thank you for making me valuable and helping me discover what I can do best and even better. Teacher, you're someone who's really admired in everything you do; you make little things so special, too.
So this comes to say,
Hope every happiness always comes your way.
– For a wonderful Teacher. Your guidance and dedication are truly appreciated. Heartfelt thanks for being so encouraging and generous with your praise; for all your dedication, wisdom, for your kind and gentle ways; for your guidance and understanding, for all your warmth and care. Thank you for everything.
– Teacher! An easy and a difficult way to success, you told me both But I also know, it's the challenging one that brings out a person of substance like you. And I surely want to follow you.

II. How to Say it Correctly
Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences
1. He showed courage worthy of an older man.
2. No less than thirty patients have died of malaria.
3. He is the kindest and generous man I have known.
4. I work much on Saturdays than other days.
5. Shakespeare is greater than any dramatist of the world.

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. He was fond of her; he thought more than once of marrying her.
2. Owing to carelessness, he failed in the exam.
3. Everyone says that his folly has brought about his ruins.
4. The poor and down-trodden have been reeling under the weight of poverty from time immemorial.
5. I don't see any fun in practical joking.

III. Increase Your Word Power
(A) How to express it in one word
1. Compulsory enlistment for military or other service.
2. A place where young plants are reared.
3. The absence of government in a country.
4. A state in which the government is carried on by elected representatives without a monarch.
5. Government carried on by an absolute ruler.

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. Animals which give suck to their young: mammals (n)
2. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed: armistice (n)
3. The science of reasoning: logic (n)
4. A figure with many angles or sides: polygon (n)
5. An instrument for measuring temperature: thermometer (n)

(B) Foreign words and phrases
Give the sources of origin and meanings of the following:
1.bonafide 2. bonhomie 3. bonjour
4. bon voyage 5. boutique

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. bourgeois (Fr.): A townsman, a trader of the middle class.
2. bourgeoise (Fr,): The tradesman – gentleman.
3. Carpe – diem (Lat.): Enjoy the present day.
4. Cara sposa (Italian): Dear wife.
5. Chef (Fr.): Male head cook.

(C) Words commonly confused
Bring out differences in meaning of the following pairs of words.
1. deadly, deathly 2. rob, steal
3. sickness, sickliness 4. womanly, womanish
5. martial, marshal

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. wet (adj.) (covered with water): Don't get wet in the rains lest you should catch cold.
whet (vt) (fig. sharpen or excite the appetite or a desire): The smell of the meat being cooked whetted my appetite.
2. abstain (vi) (hold oneself back from): Abstain from oily and spicy foodstuff.
refrain (vi) (avoid): Refrain from speaking ill of others.
3. desert (n) (large area of waterless land): Life in a desert is unbearable.
dessert (n) (course of fruit, etc. at the end of a meal): Fruit salad was served as dessert.
4. persecute (vt) (treat cruelly): No one should be persecuted on the grounds of caste, creed or color.
prosecute (vt) (continue with): I want to prosecute higher studies in Britain.
5. recover (vt) (get back something lost): The patient has recovered his consciousness.
re-cover (vt) (supply with a new cover): This sofa needs to be re-covered.

(D) Phrases and idioms
Give illustrative sentences using the following phrases
1. draw over 2. get the better of
3. give out 4. give to 5. go in for

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. bring in (yield as rent): His agricultural output brings in a decent income every month.
2. call off (withdraw): The agitation demanding a hike in salary has been called off.
3. come by (get): I came by this book in a book fair.
4. come to grief (suffer): Unless you mend your manners you will certainly come to grief.
5. done to death (murdered): He was done to death by a group of unidentified assailants.

IV. Grammar and Composition
(A) Grammar
Put the appropriate word into the sentences below. In some cases more than one word may be correct.
untrue, false, wrong, lying, dishonest, artificial, man-made, fake, imitation.
1. I bought a lovely pair of cheap shoes in )- leather.
2. He said he was a doctor but he was a )-.
3. A lot of material nowadays consists of )- fibres.
4. You are )-. 65 and 75 do not make 155.
5. He says he's been working late but I think he's )-.
6. A )- accusation was made against him.
7. One who steals is a )- person.
8. If someone is finding difficulty in breathing, )- respiration can be given.
9. I can no longer tell if what he says is true or ).
10. )- fur is very popular with animal lovers.

Suggested answers to last week's questions

A doctor's instructions to her students:
When we get to the ward, you must let me examine the patients first. You needn't all crowd round to watch, but stay at the end of the bed. You can look at the notes on each patient, if you like, but you mustn't make any comments to the patient, or to each other, about the illness, as this might upset the patient. You can of course ask them how they feel, though. You have got to all examine at least one patient in the ward, but if time is short you don't need to examine more than one. Take plenty of time over this. As you know, you have got to do this in your final exam, next term. You have to take off all bandages for a thorough examination of the patient, but you don't need to put them on again – the nurses will do that. Finally, remember that you must behave like doctors, not students.

'must' is used when the speaker implies obligation.
'have (got) to' is used when the necessity comes from outside.
'mustn't' means 'don't do it'
'don't have to' means 'it is not necessary'
'needn't' and 'don't need to' can also be used for this purpose.

(B) Composition: Paragraph writing
Expand the general idea contained in the saying:
41: a hungry man is an angry man

Last week's topic

40: Art lies in concealing art
“All art is but imitation of nature”, says Seneca. A good work of art is a faithful reflection of nature so much so that one is most likely to mistake it as a real thing. A truly great artist seeks to give creative expression to his perception of the reality. Therefore the English poet Longfellow says: “Nature is revelation of God, Art, a revelation of man.” All great works of art are effortless. A skilled craftsman doesn't allow his work to reveal his effort and ingenuity. He manifests himself through the art. This is the true essense of an ageless masterpiece – the art of artlessness. As Ovid says, 'If the art is concealed, it succeeds'. Therefore, the real art is devoid of any sign of effort. In other words, all true art is effortless.

V. Pearls from the Holy Quran
“O ye who believe!
Persevere in patience
And constancy; vie
In such perseverance;
Strengthen each other;
And fear Allah;
That ye may prosper”
S3: A200

VI. Words of Wisdom
“We all give the best of our hearts uncritically to those who hardly think about us in return.”
-T H White