Improve Your English – 211 [Archives:2003/688/Education]

November 24 2003

Dr. Ramakanta Sahu
I. What to Say
Situations and Expressions (57):
Tribute to a teacher (VI)

The word TEACHER is often used as an acronym, the individual letters of which are interpreted to symbolize the following:
Talented, Enthusiastic, Affectionate, Cooperative, Humble, Encouraging, Reliable
As a matter of fact, a teacher is a touchstone who by virtue of the magic touch of his personality transforms a base metal into gold. Every lesson 'begins with wonder, and ends in delight for the learner'. A learner is enamoured by the sheer magnetism of the teacher's personality and accepts him/her as the role model. Such a teacher remains a perennial source of inspiration for the learner.

– I think of you as the bright sun, that illuminates the whole world, yet remains as bright and brilliant as ever.
From one who has been touched by your sunny presence, here is a heart-felt 'Thank you'.
– Teacher, you introduced me to the world of books…. where in every page, I discovered something new about people , places and myself as well. And above all, I discovered how lucky I am to have a teacher like you.
– With a confident and eloquent speech, an impressive personality and an humble heart, a teacher always aims to give every student a good start in life. Dear teacher ! It always seems a great moment when you are around, teaching good lessons on life besides those class texts. I am beholden to you for giving the perfect start to my life!
– You are gentle, kind and forever ready to help. You have taught us to believe in ourselves and so, teacher, you are truly invaluable.
– Teacher! You're someone I always look upto. You're someone who will always be a source of inspiration in my life.
– This comes to thank you, dear teacher, for all your help and the special ways in which you care.
Teachers like you are one in a million. Thanks for what you are and for the smiles you put on our faces. Thank you, dear teacher, for always being there. It's a rare fortune to have a teacher like you.
– Teacher! You are my ideal. May be it was walking behind you, with your notebook bundle in my hand to the Teachers' room that I started to follow you. May be it was one of those 'can do better' remarks in my copy that inspired me to do the best! Teacher, I don't know when you became my ideal!
– Teacher, you are perfect. Not a single day goes by without my cherishing your advice and thinking of all the lessons you have taught and how you have influenced my life. So this wish comes your way with love and thanks, to say you are the best.

II. How to say it correctly
Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences.
1. No sooner does the teacher enter the class, the students greet him.
2. Hardly had he stepped out than it started raining heavily.
3. Those who are engaged in the teaching line are doing best services to the nation.
4. Work hard lest you may not fail.
5. I have come to the final conclusion that qat is a harmful habit.

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. I am very glad to see you happy and smiling.
2. She is too beautiful not to attract the attention of a young man.
3. I predicted that all would go wrong without her.
4. I respect him because he is my father.
5. Make hay while the sun shines.

III. Increase Your Word Power
A) How to express it in one word
1. Not allowing the passage of light
2. A substance that kills insects
3. Occurring at the same time
4. An assembly of worshippers
5. An assembly of listeners

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. Government by officials: bureaucracy (n)
2. An absolute government: autocracy (n)
3. Conferred as an honor, or performed without payment: honorary (adj)
4. Of unknown or un admitted authorship: anonymous (adj)
5. Allowing the passage of rays of light: transparent (adj)

B) Foreign phrases and expressions
Give the sources of origin and meanings of the following:
1. danke, schoon 2. de boone grace 3. de facto
4. de jure 5. dei gratia.

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. Che Sara' Sara' (Italian): What will be will be
2. Cognito, ergo sum (Latin): I think, therefore I am.
3. Coiffeur (French): Hair dresser
4. Coup d'etat (French): Sudden, decisive blow in politics
5. Crime de la crime (French): Cream of the cream, the very best.

(C) Words commonly confused:
Bring out differences in meaning of the following pairs of words:
1. cite, site, sight. 2. flour, flower, floor.
3. hare, hair. 4. led, lead.
5. loath, loathe.

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. cession (n.) (the act of yielding property or rights by agreement): The British demanded the cession of the occupied territory.
session (n.) (a formal meeting of an organization): The Parliament's budget session begins tomorrow.
cessation (n.) ( a short pause or a stop): Both sides agreed for a temporary cessation of fighting.
2. physic (n.) (medicine): The patient has been administered a dose of physic.
physique (n.) (the form and character of a human body): He maintains a strong physique.
3. pair (n.) (two things of the same kind): I bought a new pair of spectacles
pare (vt) (cut away the outer part): Will you please pare off the apple?
4 stationary (adj.) (not moving or changing ): The Earth is not stationary.
Stationery (n.) (writing materials): I went to a stationery shop to buy envelopes.
6- waist (n) (Part of the body between the ribs and the hips): You will have to reduce a lot of weight from your waist line.
waste (vt) (use without a good purpose): Don't unnecessarily waste your time and energy.

(D) Phrases and Idioms
Illustrate the meanings of the following phrases in sentences:
1. pull through 2. put by 3. put off
4. rum through 5. see through

Suggested answers to last week's questions
1. hold to (adhere to): He steadfastly holds to his ideals
2. intrude upon (force oneself upon): I hope I didn't intrude upon your privacy.
3. keep back (conceal): She keeps back nothing from me.
4. look upon (regard): We look upon you as our leader.
5. make over (transfer): He made over his property to a Charity.

IV) Grammar and Composition
A) Grammar
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with 'although', 'even though', 'despite', or 'in spite of'
1. I recognised her at once, _______ the fact that I hadn't seen her for a long time.
2. _______ he wanted to go out to the market, he stayed in.
3. _______ she said she didn't know very much about flowers, she had the most beautiful garden.
4. _______ having no formal training, she teaches with professionalism.
5. _______ never having learned computer before, he soon picked it up when there was a need.

Suggested answers to last week's questions:
1. My brother has been living in England for three years.
2. Do you have any idea about who made this statement?
3. My five-year-old daughter was very upset when her doll was broken.
4. The policeman asked him if he was sure that it was his car that had been stolen.
5. I'm afraid I can't come and see you this evening. I have to stay at home and look after my little daughter.

B) Composition: Paragraph writing

Expand the idea contained in the saying

Last week's topic:
Some people are quick to find fault in others and ignore their own shortcomings. They find it easy and convenient to shift responsibility from their shoulders for anything wrong. Such people never resort to introspective self-analysis and are content merely to pass the buck This is a very dangerous trend as it prevents one from identifying one's own limitations and make efforts for self-improvement. A good, sensible, and conscientious worker, however, first looks into himself before raising eyebrows or pointing an accusing finger at others. Such persons apply a more open, positive and constructive attitude than those used to criticising others without doing self-analysis. So we should develop a proper mindset to accept our own responsibility before faulting others, for a flaw in any enterprise.

V) Pearls from the Holy Quran
“O mankind! Fear
Your Guardian Lord
Who created you
From a Single Person,
Created, out of it,
His mate, and from them twain Scattered (like Seeds)
Countless men and women;
Surat An-Nisa 4 Ayat 1.

VI) Words of wisdom
“The family is one of nature's masterpieces”
)George Santayana