In an intention to enhance journalist skills in Yemen:Media Institute to organize more training sessions [Archives:2003/630/Local News]

April 7 2003

The Media Institute for Training and Qualifying has revealed last week that it will launch a number of training programs for journalists in the near future. The institute had organized several training courses last February and March.
“Media training and qualifying is given great importance by the institute in which media cadres get further training towards enhancing their qualifications and skills.” Dr. Abdallah al-Zalab, the institute's dean said.
Al-Zalab added that the carried out activities would be culminated and reflected on the media actuality.
Some of the training courses implemented so far include: a course on elocution and Arabic language attended by 30 trainees from different media organizations. Another course on the basics of computer and Internet usage was organized for 38 trainees. A course on Internet training was also organized in Hadramout and attended by 19 trainees. In addition, a seminar on the needs of television production was carried out by the institute.