In brief [Archives:2006/996/Local News]
Yemen to participate in
human rights course
Nov. 4 ) Yemen is to participate in a training course on human rights for the Gulf and Arab peninsula countries organized by the Human Rights Information and Training Center in association with the German Konrradenauer Corporation and the Bahraini Human Rights Society. The chairman of the center Ezaddin al-Asbahi said the course, held in the Bahraini, will be attended by 30 representatives from Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, U.A.E., Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The course will deal with issues such as the principal conventions of human rights and the UN mechanisms of protection. He said such a course is one of the most advanced courses at the regional level, pointing out that experts from Yemen, Saudi Arabia and France will participate in managing the course program.
Workshop on women
studies center held
Nov. 4 ) A workshop held on the woman center for searching and training on Aden University. The workshop opened the international scientific program for women's studies. Many speeches during the workshop focused on the scientific cooperation between Dutch supporting organization and Aden University.
Training courses for the
rural development staff
Nov. 4 ) Rural developing program carried out more than 25 training courses so far this year. The courses aimed to qualify the Yemeni farmers in the rural developing projects and train the farmers how to use the modern technical tools to improve production. The courses included many programs to design water facilities and programs for illiteracy eradication.
Austrian medical team trained Yemeni nurse's staffs.
Nov. 5 ) A medical team visited some hospitals and some health centers on Nov. 3. The visiting team aimed to diagnosis and handle some of the difficult cases in Al-Jamhori public hospital. The Yemeni staff benefited from the medical teams experience and the team provided advice to the Yemeni nurses staffs who work on the health center. Hajah Governorate discussed with the medical teams several health issues and they evaluated the statement of the public hospitals in the governorate.
Training program for 500 teachers
Nov. 4 ) The American Education Development Center concluded a six-day program of training courses for qualifying 500 teachers of primary schools in Ibb Governorate. Amin al-Qadri, the coordinator in Yemen, said the 40 Yemeni senior trainers provided trainees with information on modern ways of teaching in 12 training centers in Ibb. The project is designed to provide training to pre and in-service teacher instructors and to in-service teacher supervisors in how to better prepare and support teachers in implementing high-quality, student-centered instruction that truly improves student learning. This month there is a program for preparing and supporting teachers in implementing quality plans. After this program, those supervisors will train 500 teachers in the governorates.
University scholarship to
study worldwide
Nov. 5 ) The Ministry of Education launched a specialized grant for 100 Yemeni students to study outside Yemen. The scholarship is specified for top students and it will contribute help Yemenis without the means to study in other countries. The grant will start the beginning of the next school year when distinguished students will be selected for the scholarship.
Japan supports the project for Rabia Al-Adwiya School
Nov. 5 ) Under the scheme called “Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects”” the government of Japan extended a grant amounting to US $30