In brief [Archives:2007/1081/Local News]

August 30 2007


– The economical corporation sells wheat and flour

Aug. 28 )Applying the President's orders, the economical corporation sells the main foodstuff, directly to the citizens in all districts and markets of Lahj with the specific price and without a mediator. The prices of wheat should be 3700 and the flour 3800 in every center of sale. Also, there are moving trucks selling the main foodstuff to the far and rugged places, to avoid some sellers who play with prices.


– Opening the 4th exhibition for crafts and handiworks

Aug. 29 ) The deputy governor of Mahwit opened the fourth exhibition for the products and the handiworks which are produced by the training course graduates of the Yemeni women union out of local raw.

This exhibition has 600 different pieces for show including traditional women clothes, dressmaking, weaving, embroidery, cooking tools, and others.


– IFAD discusses possibilities of supporting fisheries and agricultural projects

Aug. 28 ) Assistant deputy governor of Taiz Abdul-Wahab al-Junaid discussed, last Tuesday, with a delegation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (AFAD) the possibilities of supporting projects by the fund, especially a project of developing fisheries wealth and another project of the agricultural development in the coming five-year plan of the fund. Also, this meeting was to improve conditions of fishermen.


– YFMF organizes debate on religions' dialogue

Aug. 29 ) The Yemeni Female Media Forum (YFMF) organized, last Tuesday, a debate on religions' dialogue entitled “Dialogue of Religions slam and Christianity ililaritie and differences””.

The head of Religions' Dialogue Institute in Al-Eman University in Sana'a Asma'a

al-Zindani presented a paper entitled “”Dialogue is Islam's Method””.

The paper has focused on commons and differences between religions and some items mentioned in different holy books proving that the creature is only Allah