In brief [Archives:2007/1116/Local News]

December 31 2007


Romantic comedy play

Aden Refinery art group, along with Aden Theater Association, are rehearsing a romantic comedy play called Nour, Daughter of the Desert. The story is about a child raised in a different tribe than his own, who falls in love with the daughter of the tribe's sheikh. The couple face many challenges against their union. The play has a happy ending.

8 hikers rescued

After 12 hours stranded without food or water, eight Yemeni hikers were rescued by a Coast Guard patrol surveying the hiking area. The hikers lost their way while climbing Jabal Shamsan on their way to Sahil Al-Oshaq beach. Their cell phones did not help much because of weak coverage; however, they were found after authorities traced back the signal from the last calls they made.


Traditional customs festival

A traditional customs carnival is being held at Labous district in Lahj. The festival includes a number of art performances, dances, singing and poetry recitation. The point of the festival is to create a joyful atmosphere for the locals as a part of extended Eid celebrations, and to celebrate local traditions.

Farmers use modern irrigation techniques

One hundred and forty one farmers benefited from using modern irrigation techniques over an 816 hectare area. A field project unit on preserving soil and underground water provided the facilities. The project will last two years, and will include construction of water tanks and training on how to maximize agricultural production.


Islah charity helps 16,000 families

The Taiz branch of an Islah charity has spent more than 42 million Yemeni Riyals in order to provide poor families in Taiz with meat during Eid Al-Adha recently. 16,035 families were able to feast on Eid because of generous donations to the charity.

Preserving heritage training

A training course on preserving heritage is scheduled between Jan. 7 and Feb. 4 next year. The course focuses on restoring old walls and domes and restoring the colored decorations inside Al-Ashrafia Mosque in Taiz. Twenty trainees, who are graduates from the heritage as well as fine arts colleges at Taiz University, will participate in the course. They will be trained under Italian experts from an Italian Institute concerned with the cultural preservation of Venice.


Training on pesticide usage

Twenty-nine participants from the General Department for Pesticide Use at the Ministry of Agriculture are participating in a 10-day training course on the subject. They are guided on international standards and protocols in using pesticides in agriculture and how to monitor their use in order to preserve the environment and ensure consumer safety. The participants come from various parts of the country and will in turn educate their colleagues in their home governorates once they complete the course.


Electricity reaches more homes

One third of the residences in the rural town of Mahwit have been connected to the governorate's electricity grid. So far, 12,100 homes in 168 different villages are connected, with approximately 24,000 waiting their turn.