In response: Why should Saddam go? [Archives:2002/51/Focus]

December 16 2002

By Mohammed S. al-Fasly
[email protected]
If dear readers pay attention to the article entitled Saddam Hussein should go written by Don Barrick in Issue No. 38 of Yemen Times, they would surely notice the arrogant and unfair views of the writer towards Arab and Muslim countries and their legitimate resistance of colonization. The article was written as a blind fanatical reaction of the truth which can never ever be buried.
We invite readers to analyze the article. Certainly they will find blind fanaticism and contradictory utterances in which the writer tried to justify the wrongdoings of the Bush administration even in the account of the other human beings. The writer, mixed-up over the strike of the terrorism and the issue of Palestine, flies off on a tangent to warrant the strike of Iraq.
Thereupon, we would like to tell him, you have to bear in mind certain points which you deliberately tried to throw at them. The US government is not only hated by some elements in Europe, as you said, but also by most people all over the world for its intrusion and interference with internal affairs of some countries. Those matters belong to the people of those countries to decide.
Diametrically speaking, all people of the Arab and Muslim countries denounce and reject terrorism, whatever its forms, and all those who patronize it. Meanwhile you give a speech saying that vast numbers of the people in the world detest Arabs because of the notoriety of Osama bin Laden and his supporters. Why do you condemn all because of one? We loathe Osama as you do, or sometimes more.
Why, when we raise our lawful rights do you attach terrorism to us? Do you think the resistance of nations to regain their occupied lands and looted liberty should be linked with terrorism?
We are amazed that you call oppressed people, who dont find the indispensable livelihoods, killers, while the oppressors who possess all kinds of weapons, you call innocent people.
Moreover, who are the colonists? Put yourself among Palestinians as if you were one of them. What will be your reaction towards what is going nowadays? Or imagine that your country is occupied. What is the reaction of the free men?
Thereby Palestinians people sacrifice their souls and use their bodies as weapons because they dont find the sponsor of peace, US, standing by them. They find martyrdom is better than the life under the outrageous transgression of the Zionist Lobby. If they find an honorable life, no one will dare to do so.
On the other hand, what is the fault committed by Saddam Hussein in order to say that he should go? Do you think he is a member of Al-Qaeda? Absolutely the answer will be no, because you and we know his detestation of such people as those of Al-Qaeda.
Then what is the matter? Is he a historical enemy of the US? Surely not. The good relationship between Iraq and U.S was deep and strong before1990 and was strongly supported by U.S in all matters.
In contrast with this, the US president has recently sought unjustifiable assumptions that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, you convey a mistaken idea that Saddam Hussein is a threat to all of his neighbors, Arabs, Israel and others.
As a matter of fact, it is just an excuse to strike Iraq. Dont you know that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people die a year because of starvation and shortage of medicines? Then can they possess nuclear weapon in the same time.
It is an unbelievable, irrational and illogical charge. Dont be afraid that some neighboring Arab countries will be under the threat of Iraq, as one can never harm his brother. Let this matter be up to Arabs to solve their inconsiderable problems if there are any.
The US government is not a guardian of others. We dont see the same enthusiasm against Israelis who kill and assassinate innocent civilian people, destroying their homes and lands and doing whatever they can do without being accountable of these deeds, simply because they are still supported by the upper hand.
Finally, although the evidence is lucid and clear, you close your eyes. In consequence of this type of thinking, the world will be in the same horrible marsh until Allah the Almighty decides what should be.
