In search for qualified youth [Archives:2007/1087/Viewpoint]

September 20 2007

With an unemployment rate of at least 30 percent, one would think that youth are lining up outside companies and employment centers competing for jobs. One would think they are analysing the market demands and making sure they have the qualifications required to secure jobs. One would also assume they are leading a life with minimum expenditure saving every penny and cutting down costs.

However, first hand experience has told me never to assume. Because all the above assumption, although logical are not accurate at all. We have done a survey with a number of businesses in the capital city Sana'a, and they all complain of the same thing: lack of qualified and committed youth. We at Yemen Times are searching high and low for potential journalists, ones with good English and inquisitive minds, and a will to work hard. We have met tens of youth; hardly any of them was even remotely close to our requirements. And to be fair, the females were much more qualified and enthusiastic.

We are still searching, trying to decrease the gap between the thousands of unemployed youth and the available job vacancies.

What is wrong with Yemeni youth that makes them unwilling to improve themselves? Why do they tend to take the easy way even if it means a more difficult life? And why do they indulge in habits and addictions that would destroy them sooner than later?

As a newspaper with a mission to support Yemeni development, we investigate such issues and try to come up with solutions or at least explanations.

We rounded a number of Yemeni youth between 18 and 27 and asked them about their concerns and priorities. Then we launched an investigation spree in which each of those problems will be explored on a wide scale and researched. The results will be summarized and published in Yemen Times.

The idea is to assess the future of this country and find out why youth are in a state of depression, frustration, and carelessness. To try and connect the thoughts and voices of youth with the decision makers and advise them on how to improve current Yemen, and how to motivate Yemeni youth to work harder and reach higher. Your contributions and ideas would help us in this project, to create a difference in many people's lives.