“Independents for Political Change” declared, supports Bin Shamlan [Archives:2006/979/Front Page]

August 7 2006

Yemen Times Staff
SANA'A, Sept. 6 – “Independents for Political Change,” a committee composed of academics, journalists and Members of Parliament, announced itself Wednesday by supporting Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) presidential candidate Faisal Bin Shamlan.

The committee released a statement declaring that its goals are to support Bin Shamlan and exert joint efforts with all charitable forces in society – mainly the JMP – to ensure free and fair elections whose results reflect the wishes of Yemenis.

The group also seeks to attract voters to Bin Shamlan, considering him the best choice to lead Yemen in the upcoming presidential term. Group members are satisfied with Bin Shamlan's electoral platform, which they say includes clear mechanisms and solutions to problems hindering the nation's development.

“Independents for Political Change” intends to back strong national opposition to ensure restoring political balance, which was ousted by the 1994 Civil War, and defend rights and freedoms. Other objectives include enhancing democracy, equal citizenship and contributing to eradicating poverty and corruption.

The committee's founders say they'll employ various means to reach their goals, such as spreading awareness about Bin Shamlan's platform via statements, newspapers, symposiums and lectures in compliance with the law and Constitution.

The group plans to defend Bin Shamlan against oppressive campaigns the ruling party launches against him, thereby exploiting state facilities and violating election laws.

MP Ahmad Saif Hashed and a committee founder confirmed that if there's significant desire for change, strenuous efforts must be made to eradicate the nationwide belief that Yemen has become a home for corruption and corrupt officials. Additionally, he criticized the ruling party for calling Bin Shamlan “a hired candidate,” meaning he doesn't belong to the JMP.

Group members attribute their support for Bin Shamlan to his being a civic personality, alleging that citizens are fed up with military rule. Another reason given is that Bin Shamlan abides by religious principles and fears Allah, while a third reason is that he's educated, knows the world and speaks several foreign languages.