Introducing R.E.D.I.N connections [Archives:2003/649/Business & Economy]

July 10 2003

By Irena Knehtl
For the Yemen Times

The story of Maldivian Royal in Search for his Yemeni roots published in Yemen Times in January 2003 has paved the way for the establishment of the Regional Economic Development Indian Ocean Network (REDIN).
View the Maldivian Saga and the subsequent presentation in the Germany House for Culture in Sana'a in full on web under the title Migrating Worlds:
It is the story of Yemeni Hadrami Arabs in the Indian Ocean, their migrations through South East Asia, and their lasting impact on the region.

Who were the REDIN?
Ancient maritime people, early superb navigators of Indian Ocean, who according to the legend settled first and lived in the Maldives Islands. Redin literally means “the reigning ones”. They built magnificent structures and colossal monuments to their gods which still remain there as ruins. The legend further records they were of light- skinned, red haired, blue-eyed and displayed prominent noses. Full story is now on the web, under:
As the ancient spices, silk and frankincense trade had made the Indian Ocean the hub and the busiest superhighway in the world, so is the age of information poised to make it the center of intense activity. In the fashion of early navigators now.
REDIN is also an informal Yemeni Maldivian initiative for conquering ocean for ocean of opportunities.
As web pages hosted by the Maldives Royal Family and facilitated by New Zealand is a meeting point of opportunities in every field, exchange of information, links, contacts. It focuses on presentations of opportunities and topics in the field of business, investment, tourism, culture, education, fashion, art, media, writings, and poetry from around the Indian Ocean. It is a forum for anybody who has an interest in the region about current issues and events.
Arabs accepted that the world was round encompassed by an ocean, then air, then fire, another ring of air and a final ring of fire hey also recognized an invisible sense of unity streaming from the trade network and sea based political alliances.
View on R.E.D.I.N. web pages Indian Ocean in history featuring Deep Secrets,
And Indian Ocean Today and its Secret of the Deep under
We can hope to make substantial headways in today world only by building up our own civilization resources, even while we may be borrowing specific things from outside. Matters relating to airlines, shipping, satellite communications, banking and tourism, deep sea mining, wave tidal energy from the sea, or working out economics of electricity production are all strong arguments for regional cooperation. There is scope for greater cooperation in searching out regional economic complementary in the area of market for goods, cooperative industrial and resource development, and regionally generated investment funds.
The region today has emerged as a political, economic and strategic power base set to transform the face of global economy. The challenges are formidable – the opportunities as many as the Ocean itself.

Yemen in R.E.D.I. N
Southern Arabia from where once the Arab sailors sailed the Indian Ocean, in particular Yemen, is once again placed in the position of a go-between or bridge in the Indian Ocean community, now the fastest growing behind the Asia-Pacific Rim.
Read about Yemeni search of expanding opportunities for economic cooperation among Indian Ocean countries. How countries such as South Africa, India and Australia have emerged of major importance to Yemen.
Explore on R.E.D.I.N web pages Yemeni tourism attractions, Yemen agro-investment potential, what opportunities and incentives await investors in Yemen, the role of Aden Free Zone all on R.E.D.I.N web pages
Under /Business/Yemen and much more.