“Is Arab blood so cheap to be spilled?” [Archives:2002/37/Focus]
Amidst growing daily statements made by some US senior administration officials that the Iraqi regime must be removed from power one would form the impression as though those officials have installed themselves as guardians of the people of Iraq, nevertheless they claim that the zero hour and date have not yet been set by their president as yet. Meanwhile they are continuing to build-up their stockpiles of military hardware and renovating their bases in the region.
The foregoing fact implies the military strike is going to happen regardless of the support of the Arab allies or not. The destiny of the people of Iraq and their future will be decided by a foreign power who is infatuated by a victory after the Vietnam and Somalia defeats complexities.
The present situation tends to belief in the exchange of the past colonial roles as shifting from the European continent on the Eastern side Atlantic Ocean to the Western side of it.
The mightier power is bracing itself with its new policy, is planning to take the place of its subservient ally in invading and occupying one of the Arab world wealthiest and not long ago strongest military power in the region who has almost achieved the level of becoming a country of the second world in economical terms and realized the military balance to some extent with the Jewish state.
These accomplishments kept Iraq under the very eyes of the two super powers and the west, who grasped the miscalculated intrusion into a neighboring Arab country, later to be repulsed back to its own borders and since then it has been subjected to UN sanctions and US/British aerial no- fly zones.
Since then, Iraq has been subjected to various forms of humiliation, suffering and daily attacks on its territory. Both superpowers have been blocking any rapprochement between it and the outside world as well as refusing any sort of dialogue with the regime, last of which the issue of the return of the UN weapons of mass destruction inspectors, with any move in the positive direction by Iraq is faced with negative attitude and more threats, with facts appearing later that this Arab country has fulfilled most of the obligations on this issue despite revelations on how those inspectors were harnessed to the interests of America and Israel.
The truth now began to emerge clearly about the real aims behind the prolonging Iraqi suffering. It has become evident that the US is planning to change the regime in Iraq and install a pro-American puppet government which will facilitate for it to put its hand on the country oil wealth as Iraq land holds the 2nd largest verified oil reserve in the world after Saudi Arabia. Subsequently it is to control the oil wealth and prices as well as secure the MFN status in the Iraqi commercial market with no consideration to the human losses nor other damage the country will sustain if the strike takes place.
Throughout the twelve years of Iraqis’ sufferings, the US administration has been using the so- called Iraqi opposition as a facet to convince the world of their presence, promising each party of it a piece of the cake after the forcible removal of the regime and the spilling of further Iraqi blood and the obliteration one of the best trained armies in the Middle East which would make the partition of the Republic of Iraq into three mini-states moving in the USA orbit.
After Iraq, certainly other Arab states may be candidates to face the same fate if they do not surrender to US orders and policies, one of which is the minorities card and possibly other reasons.
The same goes with the Palestinians who are daily suffering under the Israeli brutal and excessive force used against them on their usurped land under the very nose of the world and the United Nations without anybody raising a single finger or voice to say enough and stop the suffering of the tyrannized people of Palestine. but all are watching silently to avoid angering the patron of Israel.
In conclusion, what I wish to ask, is Arab blood so cheap to be shed and their countries are not immune from foreign invasion?