ISA and the e-school ambition [Archives:2002/39/Interview]

September 23 2002

Mr. Essa Abdulaziz Qassim is the Chairman of the International Studies Academy (ISA) of Jordan and one of the well-known Arab investors, who worked with the Talal Abu Ghazala Group for Information Technology. The ISA is to establish the electronic school (e-school) which will be the first of its kind and is expected to be the leader in the field of electronic education which will consequently improve the educational quality level in the country. Mohammed Al Masani of Yemen Times met with Mr. Essa Abdulaziz Qassim, who is also the General Manager of Al-Hussein Schools in Sanaa, and filed the following interview.
Q: What is your future vision to create an IT generation in Yemen coping with the latest technological developments of the world?
A: Undoubtedly, we are living in a new era of globalization, in which only the strong in communication and IT will survive. Therefore, efforts are exerted by ISA to raise awareness about this issue and enhance knowledge and education among the Yemeni community in IT. To achieve this goal, we are willing to establish the e-school project, which will be discussed thoroughly with the Yemeni Ministry of Education.
Q: What are the obstacles facing IT educational projects in Yemen?
A: We should first thank the administration of the Public Investment Authority for the facilities they introduced and honestly speaking, I did not face any obstacles in investment in education in the country and my experience in Yemen has been superb.
On the contrary, I call upon all Arab investors in general and Jordanians in particular to invest in this country which is among the countries with the highest potential and stability in the region.
Q: To what extent is the cooperation between Jordan and Yemen in education and how do you view its future?
A: We Jordanians respect and appreciate your country very much. During my last visit to Jordan, I signed a cooperative contract with Abu Ghazala Group to be their sole agent in Yemen in providing IT education. The Abu Ghazala Group will be granting a university degree from Cambridge University to all their graduates because Abu Ghazala Group is the sole agent of IT Arabic software in the whole Arab world and has signed many agreements with many Arab centers and ISA is one of those centers.
Q: What are the main challenges facing private-sector educational institutes in Yemen?
A: Well, there are many challenges facing the private-sector educational institutes including the need to gain the trust of the society especially in the field of IT. Those institutes have to adhere to many strict laws and regulations and would be under supervision of the Ministry of Education. They are also restricted to providing courses on the sectors licensed for and must also serve and contribute to the local community.
Q: As the GM of the Al-Hussein Schools, how do you assess your experience with the Ministry of Education?
A: The relation between the Al-Hussein Schools and the Ministry of Education are perfect. I would like to thank and present my best greetings to the Education Minister, Dr. Fadel Abu Ghanim for his excellent efforts in accurately arranging the educational sector. His achievements are clear through the results of the secondary school this year.
