Islam and feeding the hungry: Ethiopia needs us [Archives:2002/51/Focus]

December 16 2002

By Faiq Shaikh
[email protected]
I am an American, working for a Christian Aid Agency for Ethiopia. As a Muslim, let me remind myself first and you second as a Brother/Sister in Islam, my duties and responsibilities at this critical time for our fellow Ethiopian brothers and sisters today.
Do you know the distance between Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia? It is less than 300 miles. One country is enjoying all the best food of the world and the other is dying because there is no water to drink.
Today in Ethiopia, a number of children with the names of Muhammads, Ahmeds and Katijas and Fathimas are dying every hour.
The first Hijrah ordered by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to Ethiopia when those who were converted to Islam were persecuted by the Makkan Pagans. They were unable to bear the worst torture mankind could imagine. At that time these Ethiopians gave the Saudis full protection and shelter.
How much food we are now wasting daily! Next time when you throw your excess food, remember the poor children of Ethiopia who are dying without food!
Why did Islam make fasting compulsory? To understand the pain of hunger.
Otherwise, we all will be deceived and will be answerable on the day of judgment. Believe me, all our prayers will be in vain!
Remember what thw Quran says about orphans, poor people and neighbors.
Remember how our Prophet was kind with orphans. Remember how our fatty pot bellies grow bigger and bigger compared to the skeleton of Muslim children of Ethiopia dying without food and water. Please be afraid of Allah SWTs wrath for not taking timely action.
Also, how much are other Gulf countries contributing to Ethiopia?
Almost nothing. Shame on us! We are all thinking that Ethiopia is an untouchable country and deserves death instead of living. I wonder why our brothers are not making the same contribution that was given to Bosnia, Turkey and other countries. Maybe because of their skin color? Are we racist or double standard Muslims?
Rain is created by Allah and the same rain will fail one day in your country also. If our Prophet (PBUH) lived among us today, this would have never happened. Islam is not merely a label!
Do you know the cost of one F-16 plane? The cost of one plane is enough to save more lives today. I am reminding you, because I will be the witness against you for not taking appropriate action on a tragic situation like this, especially when your neighbour Ethiopia is dying.
We do not know when Saudi Arabia will take responsibility of leadership in assisting our Muslim Ummah, irrespective of their skin colours.
The Jewish community has taken care of Falasha Jews of Ethiopia. We are not asking for anyone to accommodate them, but only to give them food to survive.
Kindly request the so-called Muslim countries and their leadership as well as good hearted individuals to do something before many more Muhammads and Ahmeds die a slow and painful death.
