Islam in the political game [Archives:2007/1045/Community]
By: Maged Thabet Al-Kholidy
[email protected]
Approximately since 11th September 2002, a war has been launched against Islam whose enemies exploit the behaviors of some Muslims, as it is claimed, to attribute terrorism, injustice, and cruelty to its norms. The word “terrorism”, in particular, is a “new fashion” against any Islamic group or organization not for being practicing terrorist attacks but mainly for being Islamic.
Let us consider it a conflict, or even a war. A logic question every one may ask: “what are the other parts of that war”? As a part, Islam is never accused of being standing against any other religion(s). The war seems not religious at all. In fact, the other parts, currently like U.S.A, Israel, or others, play no more than a political game.
Firstly, everyone should believe that Islam as a religion neither recommends any such terrorist acts, nor it stands against any other religion. The so-called terrorist attacks, done by some individuals, “only some” under the umbrella of religion, are considered against the Islamic values and principles. That is, of course, a way for the right of self-defence.
Secondly, what the so-called peace-keepers claim against Islam or any Islamic groups serves no other religion(s) or partial organizations. It only enhances their interests which are political rather than anything else. So, they could establish their dominance over Arab, Islamic countries, and, I think, over the world, as the sponsors of terrorism-fighting, democracy, and human rights in the world.
Thirdly, it is really a matter of questioning why all the charges of U.S.A., for example, do always serve its interests and widen its dominance. In fact, terrorist acts, which are sometimes painful, do take place. Of course, those who sponsor them should gain the benefits of any kind. The situation proves the opposite, if we consider it so. That is to say, such acts are attributed to Islamic groups, without forgetting an announcement of being the masterminds of such acts. Such groups should be fought and punished at least with an imprisonment-sentence in Guantanamo. Many other demands should be soon responded by the government of the country otherwise it would be grouped among the terrorism- sponsoring countries. Through such acts, the U.S.A. achieves its aims. The charges, accordingly, as well as the punishment should be to such “Islamic groups” in order to keep the world stable and secure as it is now!!
Lastly, one may, but should, ask “What is the role of such governments in this political game? And does it have any relation with the current situations of these countries? Since the questions are related with “governments” and “their current situations”, they are better to be answered by “governments”, or even by “the current situations” themselves. It may seem silly to ask such questions. However, clever answers are expected if the questions are seriously passed through the mind's eye.
Majed Thabet Al-kholidy is a writer from Taiz, currently doing his M.A. at English Dep, Taiz Uni. He is an ex-editor of English Journal of the University.