Islam vs. Adultery [Archives:2000/01/Culture]
Abdullah Saleh Hussein Al-Hashedi
Sana’a University
It is been recently proved that some of the most destructive diseases like AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes and other venereal diseases are more practically known to societies where is almost practiced freely. For instance, the most ruinous disease called AIDS which eats into the civilization and constructions of these societies and which can neither be cured nor be avoided with a vaccine is mainly infected by having illegal sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, in many non-Muslims communities, adultery is not considered a sin that must be punished. However, it is simply viewed as a personal action that can not to be prohibited by the government or religion.
In this article I will shed light on the concept of adultery and how it is viewed in the true infallible religion of Islam. In other words, I will try to penetrate into this great religion to see and show how this sin is fought and what effective means and alternatives are found to help people avoid adultery. But before that, we should bear in mind that Islam is a comprehensive and perfect system of teachings, regulations and instructions. It is a code of life that gives life through the Noble Qur’an and Prophet Mohammed’s saying and deeds. It is a religion that never leaves them at the mercy of inherited traditions which differ from one place to another and which may be right or wrong. Actually, Islam is an attributive title. Anyone who possesses this attribute whatever race, community, country or group he belong to, is a Muslim.
Adultery in Islam is viewed as one of the most serious social problems that can lead to the destruction of families, societies and even nations. The following lines taken from a translation of the Holy Qur’an (Muslims’ Glorious Book) can explain the seriousness of Islam in fighting adultery.
The fornicates and the fornicator, flog each of them with a hundred stripes, Let no pity withhold you in their case, in Punishment prescribed ALLAH; if you believe in ALLAH and the resurrection. And let party of believers witness their punishment. (This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of fornication) but if married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death, according to Allah’s law.
From the above quoted lines we can see how strict Islam is about fornication. To help people getting rid of this lethal phenomenon, Islam has taught us many solutions and put in our hands various legal alternatives. These solutions and alternatives can be listed as follows:
1. ALLAH in the holy Qur’an orders both young men and women to lower their gaze from looking at forbidden things that might excite and provoke their sexual appetite. They also must protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts).
2. Women must not show off their adornment except only that which are apparent ( like both eyes for necessity to see the way or outer palms of hand) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands’, or fathers or their sons or their Husband’s sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters or any Muslim women or hold male who lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of feminine sex.
3. Marriage: Islam stress upon living in a married state as a perfect means of protection from adultery. The holy Prophet is reported to have said” “Whoever of you has means to support a wife, he should get, for this ( marriage) is the best means of keeping the looks cast down and guarding the chastity: and he who has not the means let him keep fast, for this will act as a castration”. Moreover, in Islam we find the most important of restrictive is in fact the basic principle of human civilization.
4. Polygamy: Islam recognizes only in the union of one man and one woman as a valid form of marriage. Under exceptional circumstances, however, it allows the man more wives than one, but does not allow the woman more husbands than one. In other words, polygamy in Islam is both in theory and practice, an exception and not a rule.
Unfortunately, many non-Muslim miscomprehend the concept of polygamy in Islam and consider it to be a shortcoming in this religion. I feel confident that if these people had penetrated deeply into the reasons why polygamy can be practiced, there would have been no difficulty in understanding it. The natural duties of man and woman in the preservation and upbringing of human in this respect, that while one man can raise children from more wives than one, one woman can have children only from one husband. Therefore, polygamy at times can be a help in the welfare of society and preservation of the human race.
Polygamy as an exception is a remedy for many of the evils of modern civilization and which is eating into it like canker, with its concomitant increase of bastardy is unknown to countries where polygamy is allowed as a remedial measure. Today many non-Muslims which they were allowed to practice polygamy instead of living in adultery.
5. Piety and fear of ALLAH: Man must have fear of ALLAH and it is this fear that most influences his relationships and with others, wife, sons, daughters, neighbors. He should fear what ALLAH might do to hi, if he commits any sin or even harms others. He knows that he has to meet ALLAH and answer for all that he has said and done. Indeed, this is why Hassan Ibn Ali said when asked:
O, Hassan I have a daughter. To whom do you think I should marry her? Hassan said: “Marry her to a (man) who (fear ALLAH); for if he truly fears ALLAH and if he loves her and (even) if he does not love her, he will never oppress or abuse her (because he fears ALLAH).
In conclusion, I would like to add that wherever man finds himself able to commit adultery or any other sins he should remember ALLAH and the day on which he will answer for all what he did and said in life. Anyone who wishes to emulate ALLAH should start by emulating his piety. For his piety which serves a foundation for good deeds, manners and morals.