Japan assists in Abyan Governorate [Archives:2004/797/Local News]
The government of Japan has extended a grant aid of up to $US86,821 to Abyan Governorate local council to renovate Al-Ghafiqi School in Zinjubar under the scheme of the “Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects.”
This project aims at supporting small-scale community based projects to be implemented by local governments and NGOs. The grant will cover the costs for the renovation of the school in order assist the 1200 students and their teachers.
The agreement was signed in Sana'a by Mr. Fareed Mujaear, Governor of Abyan and Mr. Yuichi Ishii, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Yemen.
During the current Japanese fiscal year (April 2004 – March 2005), eleven projects, including this project have been financed in Yemen at a total cost of $US758,666.
Since Japan believes that one of the most important imperatives for poverty alleviation is developing human resources, it has made its major contribution to the development of education sector in Yemen in fiscal years 2002 and 2003. Japan extended two grants amounting up to approximately $US12 million to construct and furnish 30 basic education schools in the Taiz and Ibb governorates.
Further support to the education sector came in fiscal year 2003, when Japan extended a grant of about $US5.5 million to supply the school Textbook Printing Corporation with modern equipment for its branch in Mukalla.
Japan also believes that capacity building is necessary for the effective implementation of the Basic Education Development Strategy in Yemen. Japan dispatched a mission last October to study the current educational situation in Yemen and has discussed their findings with Yemeni officials.