Land unlawful seizing continues [Archives:2005/907/Local News]
The continuous seizing of lands through unlawful means has been the nightmare of many simple citizens in Yemen. Yemen Times has reported in more than one occasion of such incidents latest of which was the kidnapping of the son of Yemeni businessmen. The conflict was relating to land disputes in Hudeydah, Aden and Sana'a. Most recently the sons of Abu Sab'ah were victimized physically and morally after the looting of their land by some influential figures. The Civil Society Organization's Collation (Etilaff) issued a press statement condemning this particular case. The Collation stated that it has proof of the case details and that it was an unlawful abduction of land and a clear violation of human rights and international agreements.
The Collation also declared the necessity of tackling this issue seriously by authority and concerned bodies and recording the violations in order to monitor the progress or regress of property ownership rights in Yemen. It also urged the lobbying against such unlawful acts and called upon other organizations to take action in awareness and advocacy on the national and international levels.
The Yemeni Civil Society Organizations Collation is a network of a 15 prominent Yemeni civil society organsiations working in human rights, training, research and media. The collation includes the Yemeni Female Media Forum, Sisters Arab Forum, Arab Human Rights Foundation among others.