Monday evening, February 28th, Yemen Times celebrated its 9th anniversary at the Taj Sheba Hotel. The event was attended by a number of senior officials, diplomats, journalists, prominent social figures and others from various segments of the society.
In his opening address to the audience of the evening, Mr. Walid Al-Saqqaf Editor-in-chief of Yemen Times, welcomed the gusts and thanked them for accepting the invitation. He then highlighted how Yemen Times has achieved progress through its short journey, despite the many challenges, pointing out to the highly up-to-date technology adopted by the paper and its site on the Internet. The Editor-In-Chief did not miss the chance of this occasion to count the remarkable feats of the newspaper’s founder, Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Saqqaf, throughout the past nine years and the great journalistic achievements realized by his hands as leader of its young staff.