Laudable Strides for GCFSE [Archives:2000/20/Interview]

May 15 2000

In accordance with a Ministry decree, the General Corporation for Furniture and School Equipment, formerly General Corporation for Carpentry, was moved from the Ministry of Industry to the Ministry of Education. After this measure, the corporation has accomplished great successes under the leadership of Mr. Fadle Haitham Al-Helali, General Manager of the corporation. The Yemen Times interviewed Mr. Helali to know more of the secret behind the success of this corporation.
“One morning, during the month of March 1998, the workers arrived at the corporation then called the General Corporation for Carpentry. They were all wondering whether they would receive salary for February and if there was any work to be done. The corporation was about to collapse and workers were afraid of what would happen to them with the emergence of privatization. The corporation was in danger and it needed new facilities, modern equipment and qualified workers.
There was a change of guard and I took the leadership of this corporation. It was a great challenge because the corporation was suffering a great shortage in wood. I had a capital approximately of 60,000 YR. In addition, the workers had not been paid for two months.
March 25 2000, the corporation took its first step and to take the corporation out of the mess to restore trust of our customers, especially authorities and institutions, securing business agreements in order to provide work for the cadres and the necessary capital, Work according to the new market trend, and enhance the designs of the products so as to attract customers”Q: The Corporation was one of the departments the Ministry of Industry; How was it moved to the Ministry of Education?
A: We made arrangements with the governor of Aden to exclude the corporation from the privatization movement. Then we demanded that the corporation be integrated with the Ministry of Education. In this way we hope that we would be able to supply the ministry with its needs of high quality furniture with fair prices. Our demand was accepted and the shift was given effect. This has been of great help to us. Then, after a one-month period the corporation was able to pay the worker their salaries. In July 1999, the president issued decree (No.323 for the year 1999) to constitute the General Corporation for Furniture and School Equipment.
Q: Did the corporation achieve profits by these measures? What is the magnitude of turnover?
A: Yes, it did. Looking at the reports, we would find that the total turnover in 1998 was 50,144,000 YR and in 1999 it reached 177,605,000. This means there is an increase rate of 180%. After being integrated with the Ministry of Education, we have witnessed several developments in all fields and this is what resulted in an increase in production.
Q: What are the tasks that the corporation performs now?
A: The corporation supplies other corporations and ministries with office furniture and at the same time we arrange to supply schools with furniture once in a while. We feel so contented to work in the field of Education. It is really gratifying that our efforts will serve the new generations and I take this chance to thank all those who contributed to and supported our endeavors.
Q: Would you like to say anything in the context of the 22nd of May, the day of Celebration of Unification?
A: The Yemeni people will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the unification to appreciate the massive economic and political developments under the leadership of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. 10 years is not long period of time, but our country has made significant achievement during this period which we are very proud of.
I obviously cannot talk about all the achievement that Yemen has accomplished because of the time constraint, but our corporation is one of the institutes which witnessed great development after the unification.
Finally, I would like to say that the leadership and all staff of the corporation would like to present their heartfelt congratulation for the President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: The Corporation will be undertaking several new projects and new equipment and machines will be installed as well. We are also planning to increase the production capacity and we would like every one to know that our products meet with best international standards.
Q: Do you face any difficulties in achieving your goals? and What are they?
A: Of course, there is no work that is immune from difficulties. They are several, but we try our best to overcome those which we encounter.
Q: How do you evaluate the corporation’s progress?
A: We have been able to develop and advance this corporation with our efforts and the efforts of those who were loyal to it. Now, we are very satisfied with what we have achieved so far. Again I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the success of this corporation.
