Lest we forget [Archives:2002/22/Focus]
Hassan Al-Haifi
We should not believe that just because Yasser Arafat has been given some freedom of movement within a limited area of the Palestine Authority domain that all is well that ends well in the Holy Land. Nor should we believe that because the investigation of the Jenin Refugee Camp has been stalled and finally suspended until only God will be able to bring Ariel Sharon and his hooligans to justice, that the Israelis have become angels again and have ceased their relentless quest to obliterate the Palestinian people. Everyday now, Israeli tanks are still encroaching here and moving out of there, never subsiding from their destructive firepower, destroying Palestinian homes without fail in a systematic campaign. They make it as rough as possible to live side by side with their peace loving democratic neighbors that Israel is made out to be.
It is a fact of life that the Palestinians have to live with that indeed they are only at the mercy of the Divine, who will eventually find the path to their liberation of the Palestinians from the wanton evil menace that the Zionist cancer of Israel is unabashedly proving to be.
It is also a fact of life that because of the way we the rest of us in the peaceful areas of the Arab world are living and governed that Israel can do what it wants in Palestine, and for that matter anywhere else in the Arab World. How can we be so meek and helpless and watch our blood brothers subjected to so much humiliation and literally do nothing, except pray that George Bush has a kind streak in his heart, to give the Palestinians one day of respite from all the agony of siege, hunger starvation, Apache missiles, American Centurion and other tanks, F-16s, deadly snipers and ad infinitum? Yes, we, or more expressly our leaders are the reason why Israel can do what it wants and whenever it wants to the Palestinians, to the Lebanese and even to the Egyptians. Our leaders can do no more than say a few words pleading with Israel to make peace, because all they want is peace. Even if the enemy insists it is war, all our leaders can say is that they only want peace. They are ready to give up Jerusalem, Mecca and even Medina just so that they can have peace. Ask our leaders what are they doing with the hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons they are buying in the span of 10 years, and they tell you they just want peace everyone except their own people! The weapons are to protect them and to fill their pockets from the commissions they get from each weapons deal that is signed in the secret plush offices of brokers of death in London, New York and Paris. We have an enemy that is spending much less than our leaders are spending on weapons, but we see their hardware everyday working on television. But, the Arab people are beginning to really wonder, where is all the hardware that our leaders are buying, and why waste all those resources then, if they are not for facing up to the Zionist threat that does not know any bounds.
Yes, because of the way we are, we will never be able to do anything to stop the enemy of our destiny, of our children and of God until the Lord finds a way out from the predicament that we are facing, in our own turf and the ominous threat that looms from Tel Aviv, and Texas.
A knowledgeable friend of mine once pointed out to a small gathering he had in his house that the only way we will ever be able to defeat the Israelis is when we become like them. He means democracy, transparency and all the God given rights of governance that are part and parcel of what the Prophet Mohammed (Peace of Allah be upon him) came to teach us some 1500 years ago.
We are even distant from the teachings of our religion! How can we expect to face up to a Zionist threat to our being, when we have forgotten what God has blessed us with, the religion of Islam, as God truly ordained it, and as the Prophet Mohammed taught us and showed us in practice?