Lie or naivety? [Archives:2004/758/Viewpoint]
Today, we are witnessing one of the most bizarre situations in political history. The report recently released in the USA about the 911 event revealed that there is no connection between Iraq and the incident, and confirmed many shortages in intelligence and administrative bodies. Concurrently, reports issued in the USA, UK, and Australia investigating the intelligence that formulated the reasons for war on Iraq, have shown outrageous mistakes in calculations and predictions, which led to the war catastrophe. All of these reports confirmed the doubts of millions throughout the world that the war on Iraq was not based on accurate information, and was not at all justifiable.
But again, the three leaders of the US, UK, and Australia are defiant and continue to insist that the war was the right choice and that Iraq constituted a danger to the world's peace. Many diplomats, intellectuals, and the general public in most countries of the world, find it difficult to understand from where these leaders find the audacity to claim that what they did was right.
Last week in Iraq, fighting, kidnappings, incidents of violence, and continued chaos was still adding to the problems faced by the Iraqi people, who continue to suffer from a war that was opposed by most of the world's population.
Looking at the situation of Iraq of today makes us all worried about the future of this country. It makes us ask whether the war was carried out for hidden objectives and used the allegation of weapons of mass destruction as a means to achieve them. In this case, the claim may be considered an intended lie to disguise the plan. On the other hand, the alleged failure of the intelligence agencies of the US, UK, and Australia, may make some believe that it was the naivety of the countries' governments that led to this miscalculation.
Whether it was a lie or not, it is too late for blame and accusations, but it is rather wiser to begin thinking about the future of Iraq and of the world. Yes, it is possible to rebuild Iraq and establish a democratic government there. But eventually, if Iraq is to ever stand strong, it cannot be forever over-shadowed by unanswered questions about its inception or the moral ambiguity of its basis. Hence, I believe there will always be a scar on the efforts to rebuild Iraq and the country's future. This scar will never go away unless people know whether the WMDs allegation was a lie or simply, a naivety of the US intelligence and government.