Livin’ in the USA [Archives:2007/1108/Viewpoint]

December 3 2007

I had just returned from a six week visit to the United States of America. I was selected as one of several Arab media leaders to participate in the MENA Media Leaders program organized by IREX and funded by the US State Department.

This was my first experience in the US and it was splendid. If there is anything I had learnt from my visit is that you can't generalize about America or Americans just the same way you can't generalize about Arabs and Muslims. My program dictated that I visit Washington DC, Chicago, and Salt Lake City in Utah. In all the places I have visited I felt very welcomed and supported. It was an amazing experience where I learned about American media and culture, as well as tried to tell about mine.

I realized that both American and Arab media are not doing justice to either culture. Most of the American's I met had so many misconceptions about Arabs and Muslims, just like we have about America and the American people. They were willing to learn and eager to understand. All I had to do was speak English in order to be able to communicate. There were no barriers or prejudice against who I am and what I represent. I made many friends and invited them to visit Yemen. I really hope they will, so that I can return the kindness I received and allow them to experience my culture.

I saw how great American women are and how hard they work to prove themselves, just like Yemeni women have to. That they share our dreams, our aspirations and many of the challenges we face.

I also realized that sports in America is BIG. That shopping is a life or death matter. And that you better stick to the food you know. I learnt that living in USA means having to put up with funny fluctuating weather and that you can't trust the weather forecast.

I found out that America is a great place to live in and has so many opportunities for growth and prosperity. I learnt many things I can use in my career and personal life. This experience opened my eyes to the much potential Yemeni media has, and made me tempted to explore.

This visit has given me the opportunity to redefine my priorities and see my country in different light. This experience is something I wish every bright Yemeni could get. Fortunately there are many exchange programs that allow talented Yemenis to visit USA. In fact the program I had just completed is organized every year, and if you are an Arab working with media whether in the editorial or in the marketing and management side you can apply for it. Contact me if you have any questions and I will be more than pleased to help.