Manners of begging [Archives:2003/660/Last Page]
Begging has begun to acquire disturbing dimensions in the life of our society. Going through the streets of our cities one can not fail to notice this phenomenon.
It is actually a very serious problem that needs prompt address.
Wherever you go you will find yourself at the mercy of those beggars who know well enough how to evoke a sense of pity in you and make you part with some money for charity. Wherever you go, you listen the oft-repeated phrase “Lellah” or “Hak allah” which means money for God.
Funny begging examples
So many funny examples are found in our day-to-day life such as, a man begging at a mosque in one of the mosques here in the capital was exposed as not being so destitute as he pretended when his mobile started ringing inopportunely on Friday.
The embarrassed man beat a quick retreat after worshippers heard his phone ring inside his bag.
There are only about five telephones, both land-lines and mobiles, for every 100 people in Yemen, one of the poorest Arab countries
They sometimes even hold your hands firmly and refuse to release you before dispensing with “Hak allah.”
In return, they start lisping prayers asking God to forgive you and give you much more in return. This is the time-tested model operating on securing your sympathy.
Begging as a profession
What is worse is that those beggars are not bound to the streets as a public place to beg, rather they have begun to go to houses, schools, universities and other institutions. We aren't exaggerating if we say that they even disturb teachers and professors in their classes asking for help. The menace is actually indescribable.
As a matter of fact, many people who are very much concerned with this social problem think that begging has become a profession and a way of life for a good number of people.
We are to blame one important point that should be highlighted is that alms-givers play a very vital role in expanding this social disease in society. You might ask how! When we give those beggars money, we push them forward to continue begging. That is, they become very idle and rely on this easy way for gaining money. Therefore the people themselves should stop giving money to those alms-seekers whatever embarrassments they may face. And in this way they will help a lot in tackling this social malaise.
Solutions needed
Therefore, many conscientious people think that it has become very urgent to stop or at least check this social malady for the sake of the health of society. Not only that but it plays a very significant role in distorting the civilized image of our society and makes other people astonished to see such a good number of beggars wherever they go.