Mohamed Adam Omar’s Case: Hamdan Threatens AGITATION [Archives:2000/28/Front Page]
Observers fear that the case of the accused serial killer, Mohamed Adam, may take a violent turn unless his accomplices are identified. During the latest session on the 5th of July, Hamdan tribe complained about the slow progress in the case, and the inability of the court to identify the defendant’s accomplices. It then threatened to use its own strategies unless justice is meted through courts. In the context of the injustice done to the tribe members in their case, several other tribes offered their support to their cause and back them up in case a legal and ‘fair’ verdict is not achieved.
The Bani Hareth Court of First Instance, chaired by Justice Yahya Al-Aslamy, resumed last Tuesday, July 5th hearing in the case of Mohammed Adam, the prime accused in the serial murder of girl students at the college of medicine. The overall mood in the court was one of disappointment, especially of the victim’s families at the insignificant progress achieved so far. Complete details on Report Page