More hassle for Yemenis traveling to US [Archives:2003/694/Local News]

December 15 2003

Mohammed bin Sallam
A number of Yemeni diplomats and prominent personalities have lately criticized the US for procedures taken against Yemeni travelling to the US, and called upon the Yemeni government to apply similar measures.
UAE newspaper Al-Bayan, reported last Wednesday that President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and the Yemeni government face mounting pressures from political and influential parties to implement reciprocal arrangements, according to the newspaper sources.
The Yemeni political and social influences criticized the silence of the Yemeni government towards what has been termed as 'abusive' treatment Yemenis face when they arrive in the U S, and demanded that the government caution its citizens against such travel.
As they arrive at a U. S. Port of Entry, Yemeni are fingerprinted and need to wait for long hours, and some interrogated by the airport and customs authorities.
These political and social influences encouraged the government to relocate Yemeni students attending schools in the US to Canada, Europe, or other Arab or Islamic countries so as to maintain the integrity of the Yemenis, and protect them from being subject to the abusive treatment, which American authorities conveniently term as part of the 'War Against Terrorism.'