Mukalla Science Conference 2000 Winds Up [Archives:2000/42/Local News]
Mukalla four-day Science Conference 2000 wound up Saturday night. Participants discussed some topics related to education.
In his inauguration address Dr. Iryani, Prime Minster, called for getting rid of superstitions and unreasonable stories included in the educational curricula. He added Such topics contradict scientific developments taking place world wide and will certainly create obstacles to our development process.
He also revealed some high-level instructions to set up a science and scientific research committee from the presidency and government whose duty would be to draw up educational policies and strategies and to think of setting up new scientific establishments. The committee will also support the existing establishments and to define scientific researches expenses which should be allocated to each university, he added.
About 250 specialized scientists from different Yemeni, Arab, and foreign universities attended the conference, discussing 12 premises on natural sciences, medicine, engineering, agriculture and physics.
In the concluding meeting of the conference speech of president Ali Abdullah Saleh was delivered by Dr. Jaafar ba Saleh, member of Parliament Presidium, in which he reviewed the scholars role in the society and what should be done to improve science.
At the end of the conference participants showed an act of commemoration to the al-Aqsa Intifadah against the Zionist entity.