Muslim children in danger [Archives:2008/1147/Community]

April 17 2008

By: T. Hani Al-Sharaai
Al-Nahda Private School
[email protected]

We all know who children are – innocent children, the lovers of Allah, the seeds of society and our future. Today, these children (Muslim children) all over the Islamic world are exposed to numerous incurable risks – some internal while others are external. Although such risks are innumerable, my subject mainly regards one in particular and that is foreign schools, that external epidemic threatening not only our children, but our nation as a whole. This fatal organization generally is established to serve the hidden schemes of the new Western invaders who have been persuaded of the difficulty of dominating the aforementioned Muslims by force of weapons. The history of such schools in Islamic lands dates back to the early 18th century and they are of two origins – some followed missionaries while others were secular. As a result of their well-organized curriculums and qualified teaching staff, such schools quickly earn a good reputation among Muslims; hence, Muslim parents run to enroll their children, unaware of their evil schemes. So, why do these schools focus on Muslim children? These new invaders concern themselves with these children in the hopes of assisting in controlling the bountiful resources of Muslims. In an effort to create nonreligious generations outside of morality and an entity, they employ these skillful schools to enhance vice in Islamic nations via coeducation. For example, the atmosphere in such schools is quite different than that in Islamic instruction as children are gathered together in classes, even at advanced levels. Further, in a few bold schools, the curriculum is even outside of Islamic disciplines and the staff are non-Muslims. Not only that, but Arabic also isn't allowed. Thus, they do their best to pervade hatred among small children toward Islamic principles.

So, what is our response to these challenges? As jealous Muslims, we have demanded our Islamic rulers bear their responsibility toward these youths of the future. They must take serious steps to reform public education and root out the corrupt and these fruitless schools. Additionally, we must advise the parents of these schoolchildren to check for themselves, for they wrongly believe that their precious children will grow up better by acquiring Western customs and languages in such schools. Maybe they are slightly right, but surely they forget the Day of Judgment when they'll be asked about their children and what they learned. All in all, our entire nation must join hands to unmask the hidden schemes of the new invaders; otherwise, it will be a great loss. Civil community organizations, religious scholars, intellectuals and the media must play their important role in raising awareness about the risks of these types of schools.