National Day at the Industrial Institute [Archives:1998/22/Culture]

June 1 1998

The Industrial Institute of Yemen (IIY) celebrated the National Day of Vocational Training on May 28th. The Prime Minister was at hand to join in the events.
The IIY is the oldest of such institutes in Yemen.
Khalid Doghaish, one of the teachers, said that the technical training that students receive at the IIY has become more diversified in recent years. The institute, like all other vocational and technical centers, runs its programs independently. However, it is the General Authority for Vocational and Technical Training (GAVTT), which has overall responsibility for management of vocational programs in the country. The GAVTT is almost thirty years old.
I went on a tour of the different branches at the school and in particular the arts and crafts sections where students were busy at various projects. These were readied for exhibit during the visit of the Prime Minister. Students used clay, gypsum modeling, paints and paper designs in an art studio on the premises. Subject matter for the clay models of the 18 – 20 year old students varied from mythological figures to incense holders and classical model houses of the old city of Sanaa. These can be seen on exhibit at tourist shops in the old city sector.
The visitors were taken to a technical drawing room, where they had the chance to see the manufacture of paper lanterns pictorial advertisements, and still life pencil sketches done under the guidance of Chinese teachers who were busy with their students.
In recent years, GAVTT has been trying to upgrade and develop human resources in different fields to the levels of semi-skilled and skilled craftsmen to meet the demands of the labor market. The GAVTT is also responsible for issuing appropriate certificates to the graduates. In the case of art students, the certificates indicate ability in the field of graphic design. Students get certificates after a three year course.
Also exhibited on the occasion were colorfully painted glass designs with inscriptions from the holy Quran. The calligraphy was impeccable. Other products exhibited for the national day covered such fields as mechanics, roads and construction, electrical technology and refrigerator and heating technology.
Martin Dansky,
Yemen Times
