Needs study Arabian Sea coastline has big tourist potential [Archives:2003/03/Culture]
January 20 2003

The shores of the Arabian Sea coasts are known by their tourist potential due to a convenient environment for establishing recreational and cultural tourist facilities. This is true especially in the area extending from Ras Dharba on the Yemeni-Omani borders to the Alam area in the outskirts of Aden governorate.
This coast that possesses tourist attraction needs a governmental understanding of the significance of tourist investment in Yemen. This should include conducting an all-out study of economic feasibilities of investment in coastal areas and the building of integrated tourist centre.
Building such centers would help communities in the coastal regions and also could act as protection for natural environment and historical features.
One attraction is the abundance of green turtles that are threatened by extinction in the world and need protection and preservation. Some of these turtles have been affected due to building a road in the eastern coast of Ghaidha.
Sources at the State Authority for Tourist Development say the road has inflicted damage to two out three areas where green turtles reproduce. The road has used three coastal areas the authority has already designed to use for building full tourist centre.
Humid areas along the coast is also a factor considered important for the habitat of birds migrating from north to south.
On the shore of al-Muhra governorate, there are two big graveyards that appear to be for Christians. It is believed that the Portuguese soldiers who had fought fierce battles against the national resistance during the 15th and 16th centuries were buried in these two cemeteries that constitute historical landmarks to be visited by Christian tourists.
The first cemetery is 45 km to the south of Ghadha area at Khalfout and the second is around 100 km to the east of Ghadha at Damqout.
Among the tourist islands on shores of the Arabian Sea there are six isles facing the port and Bir Ali in Shabwa governorate which is the biggest settlement for semi-resident birds in the Arab peninsula and attracts amateurs of ecotourism.
The process of organizing tourism on the Arabian Sea needs feasibility studies of investment opportunities and encouragement of private sector capitals for the implementation of tourist projects.