New Balance-Sheet Laws: Deficit Exceeds YR14 Billion [Archives:2001/10/Business & Economy]

March 5 2001

Mahyoob Al-Kamali 
For the fiscal year 2001, a presidential law has estimated state general balance-sheet as YR 487,843,228,000. Estimations also showed estimated expenditures as YR501,882,444,000. The third article of the law has included an estimated state balance-sheet deficiency of YR14,039,221,000. 
President Ali Abdullah Saleh has also issued a law annexing balance-sheet for Ministry of Endowments & Guidance, sector of Endowments. 
This law has five articles including the revenues and expenditures balance-sheet of the Ministry of Endowments sector for the fiscal year 2001 with an amount totaling YR800,000,000. Other articles include the general rules for implementing this sheet. 
President Saleh has issued, too, another law annexing balance-sheet for Social Securities General Cooperation for the fiscal year 2001. Its first article include revenues and expenditures of the SSGC’s balance sheet for the fiscal year 2001 as YR5,847,627,000. 
Current transferred activity surplus is estimated as YR2,715,627,000. Another law is to annex the Salaries and Securities General Authority balance-sheet for the fiscal year 2001. The law includes five articles, whose first article relates to revenues and expenditures of the SSGA’s balance-sheet for the fiscal year which is YR35,151,381,000. 
Current transferred activity surplus is estimated as YR13,424,305,000. 
The President of the Republic has issued a law annexing the balance-sheet of the Drugs and Medical Requirements Supreme Authority for the fiscal year 2001, too. 
Another presidential law has been issued annexing sheet-balances of Private Funds for the fiscal year 2001. The law is composed of five articles, the first of which includes item (A) related to estimation of Social Care Fund’s revenues and expenditures balance-sheets for the fiscal year 2001 as YR10,035,900,000. While item (B), includes the estimated revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for the Social Development Fund for the fiscal year 2001 amounting to YR4,764,000,000. 
Item (C) of the same law, includes the estimated revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for the Agricultural and Fisheries Production Support Fund for the fiscal year 2001 amounting to YR4,964,185,000. Current transferred activity surplus is estimated as YR652,360,000. 
Of the same article, item (D) estimated revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for Bridges and Highways maintenance Fund for the fiscal year 2001 amounting as YR3,665,738,000. Current transferred activity has been estimated as YR50,619,000. 
Item (E) of the same article, however, includes the estimated revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for Youth and Sports Fund balance-sheet for the fiscal year amounting to YR2,361,260,000. Estimated current activity surplus is YR105,760,000. 
While item (F) estimates Military Pension Fund revenues and expenditures balance-sheet as YR11,608,444,000 for the fiscal year 2001. Current transferred activity surplus, has been estimated as 1,113,651,000. 
Related to the same article, item (G) estimates The Ministry of Interior Pension Fund revenues and expenditure balance-sheet as YR3,141,950,000. Current transferred activity has been estimated as YR501,920,000. Item (H) of the article estimates revenues and expenditures of The Technical and Vocational Training Fund balance-sheet for the fiscal year 2001 as YR409,602,000. Surplus of current transferred activity is estimated as 122,658,000. 
Item (g) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for Clearing and Capital Improvement Fund for the fiscal year 2001 as YR1,075,200,000. And item (h) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditure balance-sheet for Clearing and Improvement Fund of Sa’ada governorate for the fiscal year 2001 as YR23,767,000. 
Item (i) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditure balance-sheet of Clearing and Improvement Fund for Dale’a governorate for the fiscal year 2001 as YR42,400,000. 
While item (j) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for Tourism Promotional Fund for the fiscal year as YR178,600,000. Current transferred activity surplus is estimated as YR10,800,000. 
Item (k) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for Civil Service Fund for the fiscal year 2001 as YR2,000,000,000. 
Item (l) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditures balance-sheet for The Handicapped Rehabilitation for the fiscal year 2001 as YR20,000,000. 
And item (m) of the same article estimates revenues and expenditures balance-sheet of Schools. Dispatch and Buildings Maintenance in Dale’a governorate for the fiscal year 2001 as YR4,530,000. 
Other items of regulations relate to the implementation of this balance-sheet. 
President Saleh has issued, a law that states the annexation of the Economical sector’s balance-sheet for the fiscal year. Total approved balance-sheets for Public Sector Unit featured as productive, for current and capital uses and resources of the fiscal year are estimated as YR517,273,134,000. 
Second article of the Law includes estimation of total approved balance-sheet for Public Sector Unit which features service for the current and capital uses. The resources for the fiscal year 2001 are estimated as YR38,410,030,000. 
And the third article of the same Law includes estimation of total approved balance-sheets of the Mixed Sector Units for current and capital uses and resources for the fiscal year 2001 which is estimated as YR80,952,165,000. 
Other articles includes regulations instructing the implementations of this balance-sheet.