New Batch of Seminaries Graduates [Archives:1998/34/Culture]
August 24 1998

The event was attended by Brigadier Yahya Al-Mutawakil; the Governor of Sanaa, Mr. Hussain Al-Miswari; Sheikh Mohammed Mohammed Al-Mansour and Sheikh Hamoud Al-Moaid, Deputy Mufti of Yemen.
The students attended lectures in Quran recitation, theoretical and practical jurisprudence, religious duties, Arabic language, public speaking, computer, health, sport, gardening, and handicrafts.
The graduation ceremony was started with recitation of the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s sayings, followed by poetry, religious chanting, and talks by some of the prominent guests and the center’s director, Dr. Al-Murtadha Bin Zaid Al-Mohatwari.
A typical student’s day at Al-Badar Center starts with the dawn prayers, followed by Quranic studies, sport exercises, breakfast and the regular lessons. There are also recreational activities such as video shows and light lectures. After the noon prayers, the students have lunch, take a rest, perform the afternoon prayers and have some time for reading books. Dr. Al-Mohatwari usually gives an evening lecture on various topics.
The evening prayers are followed by supper, recapping on the morning’s lessons and going to sleep at 10pm.
Dr. Al-Mohatwari told Yemen Times: “Thank God, the students have become honorable examples of human beings. They now better understand their life and religion. They are more tolerant and understanding of others. They love their country and fellow citizens, respect their responsibilities and understand their rights.”
Mohammed Bin Sallam,
Yemen Times