New political party emerges [Archives:2002/33/Front Page]
August 12 2002

In an exclusive interview to Yemen Times, Al-Samii, who is currently in Egypt said on Saturday, Time has come to bring an alternative party to the country, which is suffering from a downturn in its democracy. We believe it is about time for a strong party with moderate views to be born in order to fill the gap all the other parties have left.
When asked whether his trip to Egypt had to do with this step he said, My visit to Egypt is for consultation. But I can frankly tell you that this party has very strong, honest, sincere individuals behind it. The partys vision is to promote justice and democracy in a country that has suffered for too long. The efforts behind founding this party are purely sincere and honest. I believe that our party could possibly be the party preferred by the public for its national and sincere stance.
Even though the party is still not officially registered Al-Samii believes that there is no reason for the party not to be registered and dealt with as any other party, The constitution and laws give us the right to establish the party, which we will put great efforts for it to become widely known throughout the country.
In a press release sent to the local press, al-Samii said, In the framework of the constitution of the Republic of Yemen, and amid the current deteriorating conditions of democracy and the dreadful situation of political parties in the country, and in response to many politicians and intellectuals and countrymen in the country and abroad, the formation of a new party entitle National Congregation for Democracy and Justice has been discussed and approved to close the gap made by the weakening of some parties and the disappearance and stagnancy of others.
The press release continued, Knowing the importance of pushing the wheel of democracy which is on the verge of stopping, we the founders of the party, have decided amid this difficult situation and critical point that our country and the whole Arab world is going through, to carry the responsibility to raise our country and peoples place high and defend our country and peoples dignity.
It is worth mentioning that several intellectuals are waiting to see how serious the founders are in establishing a party that could be as broad-based and competitive as the GPC and Islah. They speculate that if the party has enough funding, efficient management, wide public relations, media coverage, and a strong infrastructure it may well stand a change in gaining a good share in the 2008 elections.