New President for Nexen [Archives:2003/01/Local News]

January 6 2003

Starting January 1, 2003, Mr. Rick Jensen has been appointed as the new President and General Manager of Canadian Nexen Petroleum. Mr. Jensen replaced former President Mr. Tim Thomas, who will be promoted to a higher post in the company’s headquarters in Calgary-Canada.
During the Presidency of Tim Thomas, not only did Canadian Nexen Petroleum increase and enhance its cooperation with Yemen in the field of oil, but it also started its Yemeni students’ scholarship program in Calgary. Under the first phases of the company’s program, which started in 1997 to celebrate its 10th anniversary of working in Yemen, the company donated scholarships for 20 students to study in Calgary.
Rick Jensen on the other hand, is not new to Yemen as he worked in the as the company’s Assistant General Manager of the Canadian Nexen before he moved to the company’s branch in Columbia.
