New tests to evaluate students’ competency [Archives:2007/1055/Local News]

May 31 2007

SANA'A, May 29 ) A Major Field Test has been applied in Yemen to evaluate students' achievements so as to enhance the Quality Assurance and the Institutional Planning at Arab Universities. About 100 Students, from faculty of Education, English department, took the exam on Tuesday, May 29th , at the Faculty of Education premises, Sana'a University.

Students who took this exam are going to be given certificates from the ETS (Educational Testing Service) in America. This certificate is like TOEFL; it can be used in different working places. The mark is going to be compared with other students in the region and with students from all over the world. This project costs the UNDP a lot of money (to process papers, get the result, and compare it with students in the region as well as in the world). It is a chance for everyone in the fourth year to seize. Results take about 2 months to be obtained from the Department.

The Major Field Tests are innovative undergraduate and MBA outcomes assessments designed to measure the basic knowledge and the understanding achieved by students in major fields of study. Test results enable academic departments to better assess and refine curricula, gauge the progress of students compared to others in the program and those in similar programs at schools throughout the country.

Available on both internet and paper-and-pencil formats, the Major Field Tests go beyond the measurement of factual knowledge; they help evaluate students' ability to analyze and solve problems, to understand relationships, and to enhance their interpretation. The tests are designed to assess knowledge expected from students at the conclusion of a major in the specific subject areas listed below. The test is often given in a Capstone course or in the last semester of study as a part of a graduation requirement to document proficiency in the specific area of study.