New updates on recent incidents [Archives:2003/01/Local News]

January 6 2003

More information was found through investigations with Ali Ahmed Jaralla who had assassinated the late Jaralla Omar last Saturday (28th Dec.) in the Reform Party’s III General Conference. Sources told the YT that he and the murderer of the three American doctors in Jibla last Monday (30th Dec.) had planned together since long for their crimes and that they have a long list of people yet to be targeted. The list contains a number of political figures, journalists and political parties leaders whom the two men termed as infidels. Ali Jaralla admitted that there is a third partner and the third mission they planned targets a building in Hadda Street known as “Al-Faidh Al-Hatimi”. The compound is inhabited by a number of students and visitors from Al-Buhra sect (Al-Buhra is a sect of Islam who have slightly different views and traditions and are mainly concentrated in Haraz-near Sana’a). However, police forces arrested the third partner before he could execute his plan while another two of the cell are still at large. It is still unknown whether Ali Jarallah cell will continue in its attempts to attack Al-Buhra sect religious places in Haraz, Jibla and Qaid ban Hamid in Sana’a after their abortive attempt against ”“al-Faidh Al-Al-Hatimi”.
Salman Rashid representative of Al-Buhra Sultan, in a statement to the Yemen Times said: “We are here to serve our people and Muslims in general and visitors, and we have heard that there is someone targeting the “Al-Faidh Al-Hatimi” area. What I want to tell those and everyone else is that we gather here to worship and pray and facilitate pilgrimage for those who come for it. People come from all around the country and we are a transit stop for them to help them make their way and back. They also come to visit the holly shrines of Al-Fatimeen and take blessings there. We pray to God to protect us from all those who wish to harm us. As for negotiations, we have reached a dead end with those fanatics do not know what dialogue is. Islam is a religion for peace and love, and I hope these concepts only prevail at the end.”
Ali jaralla had in a sermon a year ago assailed al-Buhra sect describing its followers as more infidel than the Jews and Christians.non-Moslims.
