News from Governorates [Archives:1999/21/Governance]

May 24 1999

Taiz:  Taiz Al-Thawra Hospital Robbed
The medical appliances of the department of parturition at the Al-Thawra hospital in Taiz was robbed on Saturday evening, May 1st. Since that date investigations could not reveal any positive result. A lot of question mark are raised regarding the robbery, for the door was not broken. The window, through which the appliances and apparatuses alleged to be stolen, is not broken except for the light iron-made cover tat was torn out. This is not the first time for the laboratory was stolen one year back. What is more shocking is the reaction of the administration of the hospital whose reaction was very negative. Dr. Mohammed Abdulfatah Al-Shami head of the robbed department, Dr. Abdulla Abdulfatah Al-Masani and Dr. Abdulkafi Ghalib Hassan – all working in the department told Yemen times furiously that their department, having around 22 doctors, is now not working due to lack of medical instruments. Yes, 25 days and the department of confinement in this vital hospital is not able to provide its philanthropic service to the public. What a pity? More cynically, “the manager of the hospital told me to seek alternative means in the department of investigation or Health office” Dr. Al-Shami told us. 
The doctors of the mentioned department have written an appeal to the Minister of Health to solve the problem. 
  Taiz University Curricula Workshop
Organized by Taiz University, a seminar on “Curricula: Reality & Ambition” was held during the 18-19 May. The participants discussed university curricula and ways and means to improve them in the future. 
The event was attended by many university professors from different Yemeni universities, who presented 21 papers. Dr. Ali Al-Mikhalfi, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, chaired the event. 
Mohamed Hatem, 
Taiz Editor, 
Yemen Times 
Sanaa:  Minister of Information Sued
Two leading opposition political parties have independently filed law-suits against the minister of information, Mr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Akwa’. 
The first case is filed by the Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Islah) because the official state media failed to cover the official deliberations of the Shoura Council of the party during 28/4-1/5/1999, nor did the government media carry the statement issued on 4/5/1999 following the deliberations. 
The second case is filed by the Nasserite Unionist Party because the official state media failed to cover the deliberations of the party general convention held during 18-22 May 1999. 
According to Article (5) of the Constitution, and Article (31) of the Political Parties Law number 66 of 1991, the state organs, notably the government media, are obliged to give equal access and coverage to all political parties and their activities. 
The state media basically serves the interests of the ruling party, the PGC. 
The West Sanaa Primary Court, where the cases are filed, has asked the minister to respond. 
Afra’ Zubair Ahmed, 
Al-Maharah:  Elections Committees in Place
The committees and subcommittees in charge of election supervision in Al-Maharah are now in place. Starting from 16th May, 1999, 32 committees (16 male, 16 female committees) in constituency 164, and 28 committees (14 male, 14 female) in constituency 165 have already started their work, according to Mr. Mohammed Ali Yasser, member of parliament. 
All political parties, including some independents, are represented in the committees. 
Sa’ad Ali Mohsen, 
