No exam for computer students [Archives:2002/28/Local News]

July 8 2002

Students of the Computer Science Dep. at Taiz University were not allowed to take their 2nd semester exam for not paying the annual tuition fees of YR. 70,000 each.
Protesting this measure, students staged last week a sit-in before the governorate compound demanding the concerned bodies to reduce the tuition fees to YR 35,000. Such demand has been totally rejected by the Deanery of Taiz University. They also staged another sit-in before the Parliament and the Higher Education Ministry last Tuesday.
When the students were admitted , they had been informed to pay YR 70,000 as fees for the four academic years and that they should be paid in installments. But the university has decided to raise the fees to YR. 70,000 each year to cover the equipment expenses of the department. There are 88 students enrolled in the department.
