Official: 314 Cases of ‘Mysterious’ Fever, 12 Died in Shabwa [Archives:2005/850/Local News]
SHABWA, June 06 (al-Ayyam) ) Shabwa Deputy Governor Muhammad Abdullah al-Kabsi Sunday announced 12 people died from 'mysterious' fever related illnesses and 314 cases were officially registered in the province, adding “the epidemic is spreading and more cases are infected despite efforts by the ministry of health and local authorities to contain the disease.” “Extensive measures were taken to contain the epidemic and to stop its spreading including chemical spreading and awareness campaigns in the infected areas,” he said, adding “we've a medical team helping out doctors in the hospitals.” He added the spread of the epidemic is caused by the use of “dirty water in the houses.” On what kind of fever it is, he said “we're not sure but it is very similar to dengue fever.”