One-day journalism experience [Archives:2008/1139/Last Page]

March 20 2008
Fares (left) and Mohammed proudly show off their work.
Fares (left) and Mohammed proudly show off their work.
Ramzy showing Fares how to lay out the page with teacher Zalino observing.
Ramzy showing Fares how to lay out the page with teacher Zalino observing.
Youth can now enjoy a journalistic experience at Yemen Times where they create their own newspapers and take home printed sheets of their products.

Two students from Sana'a International School had participated in this exercise whereby they created the front page of their desired newspapers with help from Louisa Glenn a volunteer with Yemen Times and Ramzi Alawi and Basim Al-Qubati of the Technical Department.

Fares Al-Akwa'a chose to write about his favorite soccer team Barca, which he called “Barca's amazing stars”, while Mohamed Fathi Hayel chose to write about Skydiving and called “Soaring through the sky”.

Describing his experience, Fares said: “At the Yemen Times office, I had a lot of fun because I created my own newspaper. First I picked a topic, which was soccer. Then I wrote information about it and I also added pictures from the Internet. We then went to the technical section where I met a nice guy who helped me by teaching me how to make my own newspaper. After I finished writing it in the program, we printed my stuff and then I looked for mistakes. After I corrected the mistakes we printed the final copy. Finally, we went upstairs to take a picture. I had lots of fun and I hope we can do it again.”

Mohammed also had a good time, “My day at Yemen Times Office was fascinating because I got to create a newspaper of my own. First of all, I had to choose a topic and research on it and look for pictures on the Internet. Then after I got a topic, we started typing about it. My topic was about Skydiving. After that, we corrected our mistakes. Then we went to another room where the computer professionals were there. Finally, we put it on a special program for making newspapers and we designed it neatly and printed it out. It was hard but it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it. I hope I can go to Yemen Times office again,” he said.