One Sip [Archives:2006/937/Community]

April 13 2006

By: Fuad Noman
[email protected]

Let my life's shuttle start its trip

To blend our twin spirit's drip

To taste your rainy love by one sip

Set my heart free in your soul

Let him fly with your eyes' shoal

My clout faded out by your honey lips

Trust his spirit and just try to test it

He is going to be your flushed gift

You should know from that time

Your love is old and safe in my blood sect

You are my gold ingot and diamond set

Do not blame my heart if he would solicit

I wish I were there where you live

My heart wishing you be his Eve

Day by day

Melting the voice of life's angst

To be with you as one twig

To grow up in love's vale big

Let me feel my heart can beat

Just try to touch my soul's heat

It is so high but it can't blaze my dream

Since my love makes it as a warm stream

When he christens you

His veins start to bleed red

To make your love be green and wet

To calm down our burst lust

In your white soul's diamond I bet,

Only my real bleeding heart I can get.