Ongoing YSP suggestions to improve the countryCommittee of YSP has long list [Archives:2004/736/Local News]
Hassan Al-Zaidi
Meeting recently on democratic reform, the YSP's central committee recently called on government changes in a variety of areas.
For one, it called on the government to reconsider proposed price hikes.
It also emphasized the importance to develop the experiment of “Joint Parties Meeting” and to enhance it toward strengthening the opposition in Yemen.
Pointing with concern to the deteriorating economic, social and cultural situations of the country and calling on the government to focus on the necessary reforms to improve the living conditions of the citizens, it called on the government and security officials to stay out of the affairs of civil society organizations and to end the abusive practices against journalists and to respect the freedom of the press as a clear constitutional right.
The committee called for the rehiring of all civil and military personnel, suspended since the war of 1994, and to pay up all their legal and constitutional compensations and to return all confiscated properties and funds of the Yemen Socialist Party following the war of 1994.
The committee praised the success of the conferences of Yemeni Journalists Syndicate and Sana'a University Professors Union.
In its final communique, it called for the comprehensively and transparently completion of investigation concerning the accompanying circumstances in the case of the assassination of Jar All Omr and to reveal and to announce to the public the real perpetrators.
Furthermore, to unfold the circumstances behind the disappearance of Ahmed Salem Obeid by the Yemen and Egyptian governments to bear the responsibility to guarantee his safety and immediate release through the formation of a national committee to follow up on his case.
The Committee confirmed following the constructive evaluation of the experiment of YSP during the past year of the importance to renew the political rhetoric of the party, its mechanism and organizational structure and to direct attention to the youth cadre in the party.
With regards to the regional and international developing situations, the YSP committee denounced the primitive and oppressive practices of the Israeli Government and the latest assassinations of Shiek Ahmed Yassin and Dr. Abdul Azziz Al-Runtisi and the Israeli threat to assassinate President Arafat.
Concerning the situation in Iraq, the committee expressed its concern toward the deterioration of the situation and to the escalation of violence and torture and confirming that the solution lies in the ending of the occupation of Iraq and the return of its sovereignty.
The YSP committee also pointed out to the importance of the development of relations between Yemen and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC and with the countries in the Horn of Africa toward enhancing the ties of integration and achieving peace and stability.
It confirmed the importance that the government be more transparent, frank and direct in the fields of regional and international relations and in the combat of terrorism and the importance to conduct major reforms in Arab and Muslim countries in the various fields.
At the end, a preparatory committee was formed to commence preparation for the holding of the General Conference of the Yemen Socialist Party.