Outcomes of electromagnetic radiation symposium [Archives:2007/1047/Local News]

May 3 2007

As an output of electromagnetic radiation symposium, which was organized on April 28 by the Ministry of Telecommunication and in cooperation with the wireless telecommunication companies on the safe ways to deal with the electromagnetic radiation sources, the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology has signed an agreement with the French National Frequency Agency. The agreement includes cooperation between the two sides in the field of wire and wireless telecommunication together with managing, organizing and monitoring the spectrum frequency.

Engineer Abdul Qadir Abdul Elah, the ministry's director of frequency, said, “The memorandum emphasized on the collaboration between Yemen and France in the field of wireless telecommunication policy and organizing its impacts on the local users of the spectrum frequency”. He added, “The agreement also aims to develop the wireless Telecommunication systems and procedures as well as to control the wireless frequencies and monitor the spectrum frequency.

The symposium, which was attended by 120 local and international experts, recommended that monitoring devices should be provided by the concerned bodies in order to control the spectrum frequency and to conduct measurements on the electromagnetic radiation. The participants requested establishing a study and research center to be concerned with the electromagnetic pollution in Yemen and the secure ways to treat the electromagnetic radiations.

Additionally, the participants stressed that the involved bodies should launch education campaigns to increase public awareness about the safe ways to deal with the electromagnetic generators, emphasizing that manufacturers of such devices should adhere to the criteria and technical features issued by scientific institutes and independent corporations concerned with this field.

The symposium further called for the incumbent authorities in all the countries that participated in its activities to put the right legislations in order to guarantee that any of such products should have the Test Report from a recognized and accredited laboratory in the manufacturing country followed by type appraisal before they are marketed. Furthermore, rules related to operating and utilizing such devices should be emphasized in the required legislations.

The participants confirmed that such symposium is of vital importance to share expertise and benefit from the researches presented during the symposium. They also recommended that the symposium to be held annually in order to look over any developments in the telecommunication field and prevent any potential risks that may emerge due to electromagnetic waves and radiation.